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Single-Crystal Diffractometer

The SCD is used to determine the crystal and magnetic structures of a wide variety of materials. Neutrons are scattered from the crystalline sample onto a 3He gas-filled area detector that is position sensitive and measures 25 centimeters on each side. The wavelengths of the neutrons are determined by their time-of-flight from the source to the detector. To cover all of the reciprocal space for a particular crystal, the sample is mounted on a goniometer. For most crystals, about 10 to 15 histograms will provide a full data set.

SCD can be used to study the structure of organometallic molecules, crystal-structure changes at solid-solid phase transitions, magnetic spin structures, twinned or multiple crystals, texture in polycrystalline materials, and structural or magnetic modifications of materials under pressures up to 20,000 atmospheres. The instrument measures a large fraction of reciprocal space at one time and therefore can be used for studies of unknown incommensurate structures and diffuse scattering.

Instrument PDF sheet

Jacob Urquidi
Alice Acatrinei
Instrument Scientists