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LANL : Earth & Environmental Sciences : Student Handbook

Student Handbook


EES Student Handbook

Administrative Requirements

You are responsible for certain administrative requirements. For a quick review of many of the requirements, read the Student Tip Sheet. Additional information follows...

  1. Perform work safely.
  2. Stay current on all training necessary for your job.
  3. Maintain computer security.
  4. File hours (time & effort) each week
  5. Complete all exit requirements before leaving LANL.
  6. Follow Laboratory publication procedures. Ensure that all papers and abstracts you submit have been reviewed internally and assigned an LA-UR (Los Alamos Unclassified Report) number. This is a division requirement.
  7. Register visitors to the lab.
  8. File forms with group office for domestic and foreign travel.

Laboratory administrative policies and procedures are codified in the administrative manual. You can find the UC prime contract and laboratory operations requirements (e.g., Safe Work Practices) by going to the LANL home page and selecting 'Official Documents' under 'Info by Subject.'

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