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Eastern Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 224 Information
Mid-Atlantic Lease Sale 220 Information
Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 213 Information
Western Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 210 Information
Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 208 Information
Western Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 207 Information
Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 206 Information
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This page last updated: January 25, 2000

oildrilling.gif (17322 bytes)Civil Penalties for Noncompliance with OSFR


Amounts of Civil Penalties Per COF for Noncompliance with
Oil Spill Financial Responsibility (OSFR) Requirements1
Category of Noncompliance Period of Noncompliance

First Week

Second and Third Weeks

After 3 Weeks

Failure to submit OSFR evidence $500 $750/week $250/day
Failure of a Responsible Party to prepare Form MMS-1017 (Designation of Applicant) $500 $750/week $250/day
Lapse in OSFR coverage $750 $1,000/week $300/day
Cancellation of OSFR without alternative coverage $2,500 $5,000/week $1,000/day
Failure to correct an erroneous or inadequate submission within 30 days of MMS request2 $100 $250/week $1,000/week
1 Penalties will double each time there is an additional violation within 1 calendar year of the first violation, up to a maximum of $25,000/day. Periodically as needed to ensure compliance, the penalty amounts in this table will be updated.
2 Includes under-subscribed insurance slips, use of insurers not rated "secure" or better, errors in lease, permit, or RUE identification and similar problems with the OSFR evidence submitted.

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