Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
Open Meeting/Conference Call, Board of Visitors for the National Fire Academy | Notice of open meeting via conference call. | 12/28/06 | 71 FR 78218 |
New York: Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 12/21/06 | 71 FR 76677 |
Washington: Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 12/21/06 | 71 FR 76677 |
New Jersey: Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 12/20/06 | 71 FR 76206 |
Florida and North Carolina: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 12/20/06 | 71 FR 76260 |
Various States: Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 12/19/06 | 71 FR 75885 |
Various States: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 12/19/06 | 71 FR 75919 |
Alaska: Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 12/19/06 | 71 FR 75969 |
Louisiana: Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 12/19/06 | 71 FR 75969 |
Kentucky: Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 12/7/06 | 71 FR 70904 |
Various States: Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Interim rule | 12/7/06 | 71 FR 70885 |
Various States: Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 12/7/06 | 71 FR 70894 |
Various States: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 12/7/06 | 71 FR 70930 |
Hawaii: Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 12/6/06 | 71 FR 70782 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request | Notice and request for comments. | 12/4/06 | 71 FR 70416 |
Louisiana; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 12/1/06 | 71 FR 69581 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
Louisiana; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 11/27/06 | 71 FR 68632 |
New York: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 11/24/06 | 71 FR 67834 |
Various States: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 11/24/06 | 71 FR 67836 |
New York; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 11/24/06 | 71 FR 67889 |
Arizona; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 11/21/06 | 71 FR 67362 |
Various States: Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 11/20/06 | 71 FR 67068 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request | Notice and request for comments. | 11/20/06 | 71 FR 67150 |
Hawaii; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 11/15/06 | 71 FR 66549 |
Hawaii; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 11/15/06 | 71 FR 66549 |
Louisiana; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 11/15/06 | 71 FR 66549 |
Missouri; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 11/15/06 | 71 FR 66550 |
Various States: Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 11/14/06 | 71 FR 66248 |
Various States: Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 11/14/06 | 71 FR 66250 |
Virgin Islands and North Carolina: Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 11/14/06 | 71 FR 66270 |
Illinois: Suspension of Community Eligibility | Final rule | 11/14/06 | 71 FR 66245 |
North Carolina: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 11/14/06 | 71 FR 66285 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request | Notice and request for comments. | 11/8/06 | 71 FR 65538 |
Alaska; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 11/8/06 | 71 FR 65539 |
Indiana; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 11/8/06 | 71 FR 65539 |
New York; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration | Notice and request for comments | 11/8/06 | 71 FR 65539 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request | Notice and request for comments | 11/7/06 | 71 FR 65120 |
Various States: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 11/3/06 | 71 FR 64674 |
Arizona; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 11/3/06 | 71 FR 64732 |
Virginia; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 11/3/06 | 71 FR 64732 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
Alaska; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 10/26/06 | FR71 62602 |
Hawaii; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 10/26/06 | FR71 62602 |
Indiana; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 10/26/06 | FR71 62603 |
New Mexico; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 10/26/06 | FR71 62603 |
New York; Amendment No.1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration | Notice | 10/26/06 | FR71 62604 |
New York; Emergency and Related Determinations | Notice | 10/26/06 | FR71 62604 |
Virginia; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 10/26/06 | FR71 62604 |
Virginia; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 10/26/06 | FR71 62605 |
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations, Alabama and Kentucky | Proposed Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60985 |
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations, Georgia | Proposed Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60983 |
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations, Illinois | Pr?oposed Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60961 |
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations, Mississippi and Wisconsin | Proposed Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60980 |
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations, New Hampshire and North Carolina | Proposed Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60988 |
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations, North Carolina | Proposed Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60952 |
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations, North Carollina and Guam | Proposed Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60986 |
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations, Various States | Proposed Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60963 |
Final Flood Elevation Determinations, Colorado | Final Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60869 |
Final Flood Elevation Determinations, Georgia | Final Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60870 |
Final Flood Elevation Determinations, Kansas | Final Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60866 |
Final Flood Elevation Determinations, North Carolina | Final Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60871 |
Final Flood Elevation Determinations, North Carolina | Final Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60919 |
Final Flood Elevation Determinations, South Carolina | Final Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60917 |
Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations, Various States | Interim Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60869 |
Final Flood Elevation Determinations, Various States | Final Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60864 |
Final Flood Elevation Determinations, Various States | Final Rule | 10/17/06 | FR71 60884 |
Privacy Act of 1974; National Disaster Medical System Medical Professional Credentials System of Records | Notice of Privacy Act system of records | 10/13/06 | FR71 60554 |
Amendment to Notices of Emergency Declarations | Notice | 10/13/06 | FR71 60554 |
National Flood Insurance Program; Appeal of Decisions Relating to Flood Insurance Claims | Final Rule | 10/13/06 | FR71 60435 |
Final Flood Elevation Determinations - South Dakota | Final Rule | 10/10/06 | FR71 59398 |
Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations – Various States | Interim Rule | 10/10/06 | FR71 59385 |
Arizona; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 10/10/06 | FR71 59513 |
Notice of Adjustment of Countywide Per Capita Impact Indicator | Notice | 10/10/06 | FR71 59513 |
Notice of Adjustment of Disaster Grant Amounts | Notice | 10/10/06 | FR71 59513 |
Notice of Maximum Amount of Assistance Under the Individuals and Households Program, Notice of Maximum Amount of Repair Assistance, and Notice of Maximum Amount of Replacement Assistance | Notice | 10/10/06 | FR71 59514 |
Notice of Adjustment of Statewide Per Capita Impact Indicator | Notice | 10/10/06 | FR71 59514 |
Virginia; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 10/4/06 | FR71 58629 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
New Mexico ; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 9/25/06 | FR71 55800 |
Withdrawal of Final Flood Elevation Determination for the Listed Communities in Yuma and Coconino Counties , AZ | Final Rule; withdrawal | 9/21/06 | FR71 54933 |
Suspension of Community Eligibility | Final Rule | 9/21/06 | FR71 55128 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request | Notice and request for comments | 9/18/06 | FR71 54676 |
Arizona; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 9/18/06 | FR71 54677 |
Texas; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 9/18/06 | FR71 54678 |
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Assistance to Private Sector Property Insurers | Notice | 9/18/06 | |
New Mexico; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 9/15/06 | FR71 54513 |
New Mexico; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 9/15/06 | FR71 54202 |
Suspension of Community Eligibility - National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) | Final Rule | 9/14/06 | FR71 54202 |
Texas ; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 9/11/06 | FR71 53462 |
Texas ; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 9/11/06 | FR71 53462 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; | Comment Request | 9/7/06 | FR71 52811 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; | Comment Request | 9/7/06 | FR71 52813 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; | Comment Request | 9/7/06 | FR71 52813 |
Texas ; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 9/6/06 | FR71 52558 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
Alaska; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/30/06 | 71 FR 51631 |
New York; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/30/06 | 71 FR 51632 |
Virginia; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/30/06 | 71 FR 51632 |
List of Communities Eligible for the Sale of Flood Insurance | Final Rule | 8/28/06 | 71 FR 50856 |
Various States; Flood Insurance; Communities Eligible for Sale | Final Rule | 8/25/06 | 71 FR 50359 |
Maine; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/25/06 | 71 FR 50438 |
Missouri; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration | Notice | 8/25/06 | 71 FR 50438 |
New Hampshire; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster | Notice | 8/25/06 | 71 FR 50439 |
Ohio; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/25/06 | 71 FR 50439 |
Texas; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 8/25/06 | 71 FR 50439 |
Texas; Amendment No. 9 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/25/06 | 71 FR 50440 |
Open Meeting, Board of Visitors for the National Fire Academy | Notice to open meeting | 8/25/06 | 71 FR 50440 |
Various States: Flood Insurance; Communities Eligible for Sale | Final Rule | 8/18/06 | 71 FR 47748 |
Alaska; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 8/16/06 | 71 FR 47239 |
Ohio; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/16/06 | 71 FR 47239 |
Maine and Colorado: Flood insurance; communities eligible for sale | Final rule | 8/9/06 | 71 FR 45424 |
Illinois; Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 8/9/06 | 71 FR 45497 |
Various States: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 8/9/06 | 71 FR 45498 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Metropolitan Firefighter Demographics Study | Notice and request for comments | 8/9/06 | 71 FR 45571 |
New Jersey; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/9/06 | 71 FR 45572 |
Ohio; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 8/9/06 | 71 FR 45572 |
Virginia; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/9/06 | 71 FR 45572 |
Maryland; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/4/06 | 71 FR 44303 |
Missouri; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration | Notice | 8/4/06 | 71 FR 44304 |
Missouri; Emergency and Related Determinations | Notice | 8/4/06 | 71 FR 44304 |
Pennsylvania; Amendment No. 8 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/4/06 | 71 FR 44305 |
Virginia; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 8/4/06 | 71 FR 44305 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
Delaware; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 7/28/06 | 71 FR 42866 |
Maryland; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 7/28/06 | 71 FR 42866 |
New York; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 7/28/06 | 71 FR 42867 |
Pennsylvania; Amendment No. 7 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 7/28/06 | 71 FR 42867 |
Pennsylvania; Amendment No. 5 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 7/28/06 | 71 FR 42867 |
Pennsylvania; Amendment No. 6 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 7/28/06 | 71 FR 42867 |
Virginia ; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 7/28/06 | 71 FR 42868 |
Virginia; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 7/28/06 | 71 FR 42868 |
Various States: Flood insurance; communities eligible for sale | Final rule | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41172 |
Delaware: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41227 |
Louisiana: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41228 |
Maryland: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41228 |
Mississippi: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41228 |
New Jersey: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41228 |
New York: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41229 |
New York: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41230 |
New York: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41230 |
Ohio: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41231 |
Pennsylvania: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41231 |
Pennsylvania: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41232 |
Pennsylvania: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/20/06 | 71 FR 41232 |
Arkansas: Flood elevation determinations | Final rule | 7/19/06 | 71 FR 40925 |
Louisiana: Flood elevation determinations | Proposed rule | 7/19/06 | 71 FR 40978 |
Nebraska: Flood elevation determinations | Proposed rule | 7/19/06 | 71 FR 40980 |
Various States: Flood elevation determinations | Final rule | 7/19/06 | 71 FR 40995 |
Public Assistance Eligibility | Interim rule with request for comments | 7/14/06 | 71 FR 40025 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request - Application for Community Disaster Loan Cancellation | Notice and request for comments | 7/14/06 | 71 FR 40141 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request - National Flood Insurance Program | Notice and request for comments | 7/14/06 | 71 FR 40141 |
Tennessee and Louisiana: Flood insurance; communities eligible for sale | Final rule | 7/10/06 | 71 FR 38780 |
New Hampshire: Disaster and emergency areas | Notice | 7/10/06 | 71 FR 38892 |
Privacy Act System of Records; Amendment to Existing Routine Uses | Notice and request for comments | 7/06/06 | 71 FR 38408 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection | Notice and request for comments. | 6/26/06 | 71 FR 36350 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review | Notice and request for comments. | 6/26/06 | 71 FR 36351 |
California; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 6/20/06 | 71 FR 35438 |
Maine; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 6/20/06 | 71 FR 35439 |
Massachusetts; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration |
Notice | 6/20/06 | 71 FR 35439 |
Massachusetts; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration |
Notice | 6/20/06 | 71 FR 35439 |
Minnesota; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 6/20/06 | 71 FR 35439 |
New Hampshire; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration |
Notice | 6/20/06 | 71 FR 35440 |
North Dakota; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 6/20/06 | 71 FR 35440 |
South Dakota; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 6/20/06 | 71 FR 35441 |
Notice | 6/20/06 | 71 FR 35441 | |
Arkansas; Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Interim rule | 6/19/06 | 71 FR 35176 |
Louisiana; Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 6/19/06 | 71 FR 35176 |
Various States; Suspension of Community Eligibility | Final rule | 6/19/06 | 71 FR 35174 |
Texas; Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 6/19/06 | 71 FR 35233 |
Various States; Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 6/19/06 | 71 FR 35235 |
Various States; Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 6/19/06 | 71 FR 35240 |
American Somoa; Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33645 |
Georgia; Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Interim rule | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33644 |
Various States; Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33646 |
Virginia and N. Carolina; Suspension of Community Eligibility | Final rule | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33642 |
Massachusets and N. Carolina; Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33702 |
Various States; Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33672 |
Maine; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33765 |
Massachusetts; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33766 |
New Hampshire; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33767 |
New Hampshire; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33767 |
Washington; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 6/12/06 | 71 FR 33767 |
Privacy Act of 1974; The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Claims Appeals System of Records |
Notice of Privacy Act system of records | 6/2/06 | 71 FR 32115 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
New Hampshire: Suspension of Community Eligibility | Final rule | 5/30/06 | 71 FR 30618 |
Metropolitan Firefighter Demographics Study; Comment Request | Notice and request for comments | 5/30/06 | 71 FR 30685 |
Hawaii; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 5/30/06 | 71 FR 30686 |
Missouri; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/30/06 | 71 FR 30687 |
Texas; Amendment No. 7 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/30/06 | 71 FR 30687 |
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Appeal of Decisions Relating to Flood Insurance Claims | Interim final rule | 5/26/06 | 71 FR 30294 |
Arkansas; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/22/06 | 71 FR 29346 |
Connecticut; Emergency and Related Determinations | Notice | 5/22/06 | 71 FR 29346 |
Missouri; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/22/06 | 71 FR 29347 |
Missouri: Amendment No. 5 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/22/06 | 71 FR 29347 |
Northern Mariana Islands; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/22/06 | 71 FR 29347 |
Oregon; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/22/06 | 71 FR 29348 |
Tennessee; Amendment No. 5 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/22/06 | 71 FR 29348 |
Tennessee; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/22/06 | 71 FR 29348 |
Texas; Amendment No. 5 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/22/06 | 71 FR 29349 |
Texas; Amendment No. 6 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/22/06 | 71 FR 29349 |
National Flood Insurance Program Appeals Process | Notice and request for comments | 5/19/06 | 71 FR 29166 |
North Carolina; Suspension of Community Eligibility | Final rule | 5/5/06 | 71 FR 26421 |
Application for Community Disaster Loan Cancellation | Notice and request for comments | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25600 |
Flood Mitigation Assistance--Flood Mitigation Plan | Notice and request for comments | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25601 |
Arkansas; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice and request for comments | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25601 |
Illinois; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice and request for comments | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25602 |
Kansas; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25602 |
Missouri; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25602 |
Missouri; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25603 |
Oklahoma; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25603 |
Tennessee; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25604 |
Tennessee; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25604 |
Texas; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 5/1/06 | 71 FR 25604 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
Application for Community Disaster Loan Program (CDL)/Special Community Disaster Loan Program (SCDL). | Notice and request for comments | 4/14/06 | 71 FR 19535 |
Individual and Family Grant (IFG) and the Individuals and Households Program--Other Needs Assistance (IHP-ONA). | Notice and request for comments | 4/14/06 | 71 FR 19536 |
The Declaration Process: Requests for Damage Assessment, Federal Disaster Assistance, Cost Share Adjustment, and Appeals | Notice and request for comments | 4/14/06 | 71 FR 19537 |
National Flood Insurance Program Policy Forms | Notice and request for comments | 4/14/06 | 71 FR 19537 |
Illinois; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 4/14/06 | 71 FR 19538 |
Missouri; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 4/14/06 | 71 FR 19538 |
The National Defense Executive Reserve Personal Qualifications Statement | Notice and request for comments | 4/10/06 | 71 FR 18109 |
National Urban Search and Rescue Grant Program | Notice and request for comments | 4/10/06 | 71 F?R 18109? |
Illinois; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 4/10/06 | 71 FR 181?10 |
Oklahoma; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 4/10/06 | 71 FR 18110 |
Oklahoma; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 4/10/06 | 71 FR 18111 |
Texas; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 4/10/06 | 71 FR 1624 |
Texas; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 4/10/06 | 71 FR 18111 |
Re-Establishment of the National Urban Search and Rescue Response System Advisory Committee Committee Management | Notice of Committee Re-Establishment | 4/07/06 | 71 FR 17898 |
Suspension of Community Eligibility | Final rule | 4/4/06 | 71 FR 16708 |
List of Communities Eligible for the Sale of Flood Insurance | Final? rule | 4/4/06 | 71 FR 16704 |
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 4/4/06 | 71 FR 16749 |
Missouri; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 4/4/06 | 71 FR 16820 |
Missouri; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 4/4/06 | 71 FR 16820 |
Oregon; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 4/4/06 | 71 FR 16821 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
Various States: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 3/27/06 | 71 FR 15121 |
Various States: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 3/27/06 | 71 FR 15109 |
Various States: Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 3/27/06 | 71 FR 15136 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, The National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) \1\ v5.0. | Notice and request for comments | 3/24/06 | 71 FR 14934 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, Flood Insurance Policy Acquisition and Retention Among Recipients of Federal Assistance Study. | Notice and request for comments | 3/24/06 | 71 FR 14935 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB review; Comment Request, Reimbursement for Cost of Fighting Fire on Federal Property | Notice and request for comments | 3/24/06 | 71 FR 14935 |
Nevada; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 3/24/06 | 71 FR 14936 |
Texas; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 3/24/06 | 71 FR 14936 |
NEPA Alternative Arrangements for Critical Physical Infrastructure in New Orleans | Notice | 3/23/06 | 71 FR 14712 |
Various States: Suspension of Community Eligibility | Final rule | 3/17/06 | 71 FR 13773 |
Various States: Suspension of Community Eligibility | Final rule | 3/17/06 | 71 FR 13775 |
Idaho; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 3/17/06 | 71 FR 13860 |
Mississippi ; Amendment No. 13 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 3/17/06 | 71 FR 13861 |
Massachusetts and Northern Mariana Islands , Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 3/10/06 | 71 FR 12297 |
Various States, Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 3/10/06 | 71 FR 12289 |
Various States, Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 3/10/06 | 71 FR 12298 |
North Carolina , Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 3/10/06 | 71 FR 12324 |
Open Meeting, Board of Visitors for the National Fire Academy | Notice of open meeting | 3/10/06 | 71 FR 12390 |
California ; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 3/7/06 | 71 FR 11439 |
Louisiana ; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration | Notice | 3/7/06 | 71 FR 11439 |
Louisiana ; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration | Notice | 3/7/06 | 71 FR 11440 |
Maine ; Emergency and Related Determinations | Notice | 3/7/06 | 71 FR 11440 |
Massachusetts ; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration | Notice | 3/7/06 | 71 FR 11440 |
Mississippi ; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration | Notice | 3/7/06 | 71 FR 11441 |
Texas ; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration | Notice | 3/7/06 | 71 FR 11441 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
Connecticut & Pennsylvania : Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/28/06 | 71 FR 9948 |
Massachusetts : Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/28/06 | 71 FR 9963 |
New Mexico : Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/28/06 | 71 FR 9975 |
Various States: Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/28/06 | 71 FR 9947 |
Various States: Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/28/06 | 71 FR 9972 |
Various States: Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/28/06 | 71 FR 9964 |
Various States: Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/28/06 | 71 FR 9950 |
California : Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 2/28/06 | 71 FR 10046 |
Nevada ; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 2/28/06 | 71 FR 10047 |
Michigan : Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Interim rule | 2/27/06 | 71 FR 9736 |
Various States: Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Interim rule | 2/27/06 | 71 FR 9737 |
California : Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 2/27/06 | 71 FR 9760 |
North Carolina : Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 2/27/06 | 71 FR 9752 |
Ohio & Wisconsin : Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 2/27/06 | 71 FR 9758 |
Open Meeting of the Federal Interagency Committee on Emergency Medical Services (FICEMS) | Notice of open meeting | 2/27/06 | 71 FR 9830 |
Illinois and Missouri; Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 2/21/06 | 71 FR 8810 |
Kansas and Missouri; Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 2/21/06 | 71 FR 8813 |
Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/17/06 | 71 FR 8471 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request. Application for Community Disaster Loan Program CDL)/ Special Community Disaster Loan Program (SCDL). | Notice and request for comments | 2/17/06 | 71 FR 8604 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request. The Declaration Process: Requests for Damage Assessment, Federal Disaster Assistance, Cost Share Adjustment, and Appeals. | Notice and request for comments | 2/17/06 | 71 FR 8605 |
Connecticut ; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaratio | Notice | 2/17/06 | 71 FR 8606 |
Kansas ; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 2/17/06 | 71 FR 8607 |
Nebraska ; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 2/17/06 | 71 FR 8607 |
Oklahoma ; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 2/17/06 | 71 FR 8608 |
South Carolina ; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 2/17/06 | 71 FR 8608 |
Texas ; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration | Notice | 2/17/06 | 71 FR 8608 |
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 2/16/06 | 71 FR 8229 |
Privacy Act of 1974; National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) System of Records | Notice of Privacy Act system of records | 2/15/06 | 71 FR 7990 |
Arkansas ; Final Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/14/06 | 71 FR 7693 |
New Mexico and Texas ; Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/14/06 | 71 FR 7688 |
Texas ; Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Interim rule | 2/14/06 | 71 FR 7692 |
Various States; Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations | Final rule | 2/14/06 | 71 FR 7690 |
Illinois ; Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 2/14/06 | 71 FR 7714 |
Kansas ; Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations | Proposed rule | 2/14/06 | 71 FR 7712 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request. National Flood Insurance Program Policy Forms | Notice and request for comments | 2/14/06 | 71 FR 7792 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request. National Urban Search and Rescue Program Agreement, Application, Reporting, and Audit Requirement | Notice and request for comments | 2/6/06 | 71 FR 6082 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request. Write Your Own (WYO) Company Participation Criteria; New Applicant | Notice and request for comments | 2/1/06 | 71 FR 5353 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request. Emergency Management Institute Residential Course Evaluation Form. | Notice and request for comments | 2/1/06 | 71 FR 5354 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request. The National Defense Executive Reserve Personal Qualifications Statement | Notice and request for comments | 2/1/06 | 71 FR 5354 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request. Flood Mitigation Assistance--Flood Mitigation Plan | Notice and request for comments | 2/1/06 | 71 FR 5355 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request. Inspection of Insured Structures by Communities | Notice and request for comments | 2/1/06 | 71 FR 5356 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request. Federal Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Declaration Form | Notice and request for comments | 2/1/06 | 71 FR 5356 |
Open Meeting/Conference Call, Board of Visitors for the National Fire Academy | Notice of open meeting via conference call | 2/1/06 | 71 FR 5357 |
Title | Type of Rule | Date Published | FR Cite |
Suspension of Community Eligibility | Final rule | 1/30/06 | 71 FR 4829 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request. National Fire Department Census | Notice and request for comments | 1/30/06 | 71 FR 4927 |
North Dakota; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration. Slope County for Public Assistance. | Notice | 1/30/06 | 71 FR 4928 |
Oklahoma; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 1/30/06 | 71 FR 4928 |
Oklahoma; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 1/30/06 | 71 FR 4928 |
South Dakota; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 1/30/06 | 71 FR 4929 |
Texas; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 1/30/06 | 71 FR 4930 |
Notice of Adjustment of Statewide Per Capita Threshold for Recommending a Cost Share Adjustment | Notice | 1/30/06 | 71 FR 4930 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request - National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) v5.0. | Notice and request for comments. | 1/19/06 | 71 FR 3112 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request - Flood Insurance Policy Acquisition and Retention Among Recipients of Federal Assistance Study. | Notice and request for comments. | 1/19/06 | 71 FR 3113 |
Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request | Notice and request for comments. | 1/12/06 | 70 FR 2059 |
Connecticut; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 1/13/06 | 17 FR 2259 |
Connecticut; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 1/13/06 | 17 FR 2260 |
Louisiana; Amendment No. 16 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 1/13/06 | 17 FR 2260 |
Louisiana; Amendment No. 10 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 1/13/06 | 17 FR 2261 |
Minnesota; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 1/13/06 | 17 FR 2261 |
Mississippi; Amendment No. 12 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 1/13/06 | 17 FR 2261 |
North Dakota; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 1/13/06 | 17 FR 2262 |
Puerto Rico; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 1/13/06 | 17 FR 2262 |
South Dakota; Major Disaster and Related Determinations | Notice | 1/13/06 | 17 FR 2263 |
Virgin Islands; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration | Notice | 1/13/06 | 17 FR 2263 |
Last Modified: Wednesday, 06-Jun-2007 10:47:19 EDT