Archived Information

CFDA Number: 84.305A and B
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants, Contracts

The Institute intends for the research program on Mathematics and Science Education (Math/Science) to fulfill five goals: (1) identifying curriculum and instructional practices that are potentially effective for improving mathematics or science outcomes, as well as mediators and moderators of the effects of these practices; (2) developing new interventions and approaches to mathematics and science education that will eventually result in improving mathematics and science achievement; (3) establishing the efficacy of existing interventions and approaches to mathematics and science education with small efficacy or replication trials; (4) providing evidence on the effectiveness of mathematics and science interventions implemented at scale; and (5) developing and validating assessments for diagnosing sources of mathematics difficulties. The long-term outcome of this program will be an array of tools and strategies (e.g., curricula, programs) that have been demonstrated to be effective for improving mathematics and science learning and achievement.

(This program was run under CFDA Number 84.305G in 2005.)

Last Modified: 04/06/2006