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Citizen's Briefing Book Component




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Expand Change.GOV to provide real-time reactions.

There will be many decidions made by the president-elect and staff over the next 4 years. What many feel is missing is a way to give their reaction to a specific decision made. I would like to see a web site that lists policy decisions, appointments, etc that allows me to vote in agreeance or disagreeance with the decision made. It would at least give me the feeling that my voice is being heard on issues that I am concerned about. Ideally I would like to vote before the actual decision is made, but after would be a start.
20 Comments  »  Posted by TL09 to Service, Technology on 1/12/2009 10:11 AM


1/12/2009 10:19 AM
Excellent idea! This website has been a valuable resource allowing us to really learn about the issues.
1/12/2009 10:29 AM
Great idea.  Allowing the citizens input in the process.  Monitoring the ideas and hopefully tying them to the outcomes!  This tool is a great example of the good things going on at Change.Gov.

1/12/2009 10:33 AM
Wonderful idea!  This would be truly giving voice to the people and having them participate in the process even if the decisions made conflict with theirs
Abundance Thinker
1/12/2009 10:34 AM

This type of transparency is necessary for me to gain a trust in the government. All of the branches of government should have more transparency beyond the Executive branch. The cloak and dagger mentality is only needed with top secret items. Our infrastructure of information sharing is available, how will our dinosaur government leverage our wisdom and feedback? Through the years I have found that the closed nature of government and lack of information about the agendas is a major area of discontent. If this country were ran with the people in mind, the people would be able to read and understand what issues and probable solutions are available. Our feedback can assist with faster decisions. There is a risk involved and the owners of the gathering sites have to properly find the positions of the conversation. Now I realize that not all of us can engage the government, yet if you felt passionate about the subject you would certainly get more involved. Our feedback on the open items would benefit the whole by bringing in more than one idea to the mix. I want to be engaged, provide feedback, and see the results of the decisions. After years of emailing the Senate and House of Representatives from my district(s), I have found an extreme disconnection from what actions are taken compared to what I perceive as a viable option. Our people have been ignored long enough. We would be empowered to have a dynamic master-mind of thinkers. The master-mind group will come up with unique and feasible responses to the concerns we have. If they idea doesn't work then we change it to the next most popular idea. After all we are closer to a knowledge worker age where we freely share and contribute our wisdom. Please share this ability with us.

The era of change is among us. When will the people be engaged to assist the government overcome this gap of vision? With the proper dissemination of information to the people that stay in action, great things can be accomplished. I am proud to have a leader that is taking an active interest in what the people feel and that has a technology progress desire. I do not want to be a number that is used for taxes and collection; I want part ownership in what our country does.

1/12/2009 11:02 AM
Accountability to the new technology and ideas from Citizens Briefing Book, great idea!
Jeff B in Chicago
1/12/2009 12:24 PM
Keep alive - promotes transparency and accountability, which then shows clearly what ideas work and which do not...a great source for citizens.
1/12/2009 12:33 PM
 It would be great if the Obama team kept this briefing book once they transition to
1/12/2009 2:02 PM
I like the idea of immediate citizen input, but think it would need to be formatted or moderated to avoid -- or at least discourage -- the kinds of ill-considered, uninformed comments/rants so often seen in blogs.
1/12/2009 2:17 PM
 Speaking for myself, I found a love of politics during the election. I found it a fascinating subject and one that I really know little about. I've enjoyed because I feel like I'm a part of the decisions being made in our country. I hope that this website remains functional and a vibrant part of the Obama administration.
1/12/2009 2:23 PM
a super short daily list of things that could get voted on.  so you can pick which one you care about enough to call your senator/congressional rep....and obama should say that in his monthly addresses or weekly or whatever he does...he should say 'call your representative' to the people with list of phone numbers at end of every address on issues you agree he needs help with.

just read calling is only thing that they actually count. 

how can we convince the adults to hold someone accountable?  bush walks?  cheney walks?  halliburton walks?  ALL that money disappears?  all the crimes unpunished?  and big business banks get $$ to consolidate?   i know we have a lot on our plates.  but ---
1/12/2009 2:41 PM
Of course, those without immediate, compute/internet access would be voiceless if there were too much reliance on this system.  I think it might be one of many approaches to making our government more available to us.

I for one would be happy to have the internet used for more transparency in government.  I would be fine with continuing to make my own input through vehicles already availalble to me (e.g., emails to white house, senators, representatives, etc.) but often we simply do not have enough information about what is going on to make timely and knowledgeable input.  So what I really want is for the administration to be committed to letting us know what is happening, and access to giving input to the policy makers---sec. of state, sec. of commerce, sec. of interior, etc. because that would enable us to make timely input when the position papers, etc are being developed.  Once it gets to the white house, it is probably effectively "complete" with little capacity for us to affect.
1/12/2009 3:05 PM
 I have been a participant in the forum for quite a while now and I am very encouraged to see the instrument expanded perhaps even in response to some of our comments and suggestions submitted, what seems to be so long ago..
I am curious as to the fate of the original agenda comments? I spent quite a bit of time and effort submitting comments and suggestions on the original format (the agenda that was not posted for discussion). Have those comments been discarded? I do not see any evidence to suggest that they have yet been read.
I have to voice the concern of others in regards to timely access to pertinent information. I am intelligent enough to perhaps offer some valuable insights - but not without up-to- date (insider) information to base my submissions, (to avoid Garbage In, Garbage out)
It would also perhaps be useful if those in various positions in the administration had a 'short list' of common citizens they could refer to help solve problems, and initiate a legitimate two-way conversation
Again I might suggest a mini-CSPAN format or A "Blackboard" application?
1/12/2009 7:51 PM
I love this too, but I would hope that the fact that any fringe groups can make it a full time job, sitting on line and promoting their own agenda's, someone will realize that not all the seeming "most popular" ideas appearing on here fall in line with what most Americans are truly most concerned about.
1/12/2009 7:57 PM
I think it would be a huge boon for the political process if more of the government were to access the people directly via the internet. I would fully support expanding the experiment!
1/12/2009 10:20 PM

I strongly encourage everyone who votes up this idea to vote up the idea MEXICAN DRUG WAR is AMERICAN DRUG WAR: Revamp the Controlled Substance Act for Border Security

Here's where you can find it:

To be politically expedient, we should not be asking Obama to "legalize marijuana." We should ask him to revamp the Controlled Substance Act, descheduling marijuana so that it may eventually be feasible to make legalized.

Since it is a new idea and needing a BOOST, please vote this up and encourage all your friends to do so as well!

1/12/2009 11:45 PM

A self managing system


It would be very productive to create a system that was run by the people.  The president will be overwhelmed if he gets all of this.  The people should work on these ideas, not just a few staff people.  Build the system so the best rises to the top by voting.  But let things be continually modified by the people, with continuous voting.  Let the people vote on which other people on the net that they think have good judgment.  Design the system so that every person can build and track their own ideas and the ideas of others.  Don’t throw anything away. Make it all searchable.  Let the best work be voted to the top.  Good luck.

small honest efficient gov
1/13/2009 1:21 AM
I want the system to ask me BEFORE the decision is made!
The Progressive Logic Guy
1/13/2009 12:36 PM


Why has Obama been ignoring the demand of his supporters for a single payer health care system?  Does he have political debts to the insurance companies, HMOs, and pharmaceutical corporations? Government officials don’t worry about “affordable” health care, they get it for free.  We should take health insurance off the backs of employers and have a generalized Medicare system for all citizens and resident aliens.  Are we who participate in this exercise being had?

Peter K
1/13/2009 5:28 PM
I think that this is certainly a good idea. I have another idea for expansion, which asks Obama to encourage members of congress to implement system on their own websites that facilitates imput from their constituents. 

Here it is
1/13/2009 7:09 PM
small honest efficient gov
1/13/2009 1:21 AM
I want the system to ask me BEFORE the decision is made!
I agree with "small honest efficient gov" - "... ask me BEFORE the decision is made!"   Input prior to a decision could perhaps influence the final decision.  Comments afterward are just venting -  what's the point?
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