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LANL : Earth & Environmental Sciences : Student Handbook

Student Handbook


EES Student Handbook

Laboratory Organization

Almost everything at the Laboratory is has acronym or abbreviation - LANL, EES, GRA, UGS, etc. It can be difficult at first to figure out what these mean and where everyone fits into the organizational structure of the Laboratory.

In charge of the entire Laboratory is the Director, assisted by Deputy Lab Directors and several Associate Directors. The three Associate Lab Directors are each in charge of a directorate. Each directorate is composed of many divisions, for example Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Division is one of nine divisions that make up the Strategic and Supporting Research (SSR) Directorate. The abbreviations for all of the divisions in the lab can be found on the lab organization web site.

Each division has a Division Director and a Deputy Division Director. Divisions are made up of groups, for example EES-11, EES-9, etc., and each group has a Group Leader (some have Deputy Group Leaders). Groups are made up of Technical Staff Members (TSMs), Technicians (TECs), administrative personnel, post-docs, students, and sometimes visiting scientists. Some groups are arranged by discipline. For example,. EES-8 studies atmospheric and climate science. Other groups are arranged by program. EES-7, for example, provides Test Coordination Office (TCO) efforts related to the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository Program).

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