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Klaus Weickmann's curriculum vitae
Klaus Weickmann

NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory
Physical Sciences Division, R/PSD1
325 Broadway, DSRC-1D125
Boulder, CO 80305-3337
(303) 497-6720
(303) 497-7013


  • B.S. Meteorology, Penn State University, State College, PA 1969
  • M.S. Meteorology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 1976
  • Ph.D. Meteorology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI 1982 (minor: Mathematics)

Employment History

  • Apr 1986-present ; Meteorologist, NOAA/ERL, Boulder, Colorado
  • Jul 1983-Mar 1986; Assistant Scientist, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Jun 1982-Jun 1983; Project Associate, IES-Center for Climatic Research
  • Feb 1970-Aug 1973; U.S. Air Force, Weather Modification Specialist
  • Jun 1969-Feb 1970; Research Meteorologist, E.G.&G., Inc., Boulder, CO

Professional Societies

  • American Meteorological Society (since 1973)
  • Member, Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies Advisory Committee (1989-93)
  • Member, AMS Committee on Tropical Cyclones and Tropical Meteorology (1991)
  • Member, U.S. CLIVAR Subseasonal-MJO Working Group (2006)

Reviewed Publications

  • Weickmann, K. M., 1978: A numerical simulation of pre-ice nucleation conditions in a settling cloud chamber. J. Appl. Meteor., 17, 1667-1679.

  • Weickmann, K. M., 1983: Intraseasonal circulation and outgoing longwave radiation modes during northern hemisphere winter. Mon. Wea. Rev., 111, 1838-1858.

  • Weickmann, K. M., G. L. Lussky and J. E. Kutzbach, 1985: Intraseasonal (30-60 day) fluctuations of outgoing longwave radiation and 250 mb streamfunction during northern winter. Mon Wea. Rev., 113, 941-961.

  • Knutson, T. R., K. M. Weickmann, And J. E. Kutzbach, 1986: Global-scale intraseasonal oscillations of outgoing longwave radiation and 250 mb zonal wind during northern hemisphere summer. Mon. Wea. Rev., 114, 605-623.

  • Knutson, T. R. and K. M. Weickmann, 1987: 30-60 day atmospheric oscillations: Composite life cycles of convection and circulation anomalies. Mon. Wea. Rev., 115, 1407-1436.

  • Weickmann, K. M. and R. M. Chervin, 1988: The observed and simulated atmospheric seasonal cycle: I. Global wind field modes. J. Climate, 1, 265-289.

  • Weickmann, K. M. and S.J.S. Khalsa, 1990: The shift of convection from the Indian Ocean to the western Pacific Ocean during a 30-60 day oscillation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 118, 964-978.

  • Weickmann, K. M., 1991: El Nino Southern Oscillation and Madden- Julian (30-60 day) oscillations during 1981-82. J. Geophys. Res., 96, Supplement, 3187-3195.

  • Penland, C., M. Ghil and K.M. Weickmann, 1991: Adaptive filtering and maximum entropy spectra, with application to changes in atmospheric angular momentum. J. Geophys. Res., 96, No. D12, 22659-22671.

  • Weickmann, K. M., S.J.S. Khalsa and J. Eischeid, 1992: The atmospheric angular momentum cycle during the tropical Madden- Julian Oscillation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 2252-2263.

  • Kiladis, G. N. and K. M. Weickmann, 1992: Circulation anomalies associated with tropical convection during northern winter. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 1900-1923.

  • Kiladis, G. N. and K. M. Weickmann, 1992: Extratropical forcing of tropical Pacific convection during northern winter. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 1924-1938.

  • Gutzler, D., G. Kiladis, G. Meehl, K. Weickmann and M. Wheeler, 1994: The global climate of December 1992-February 1993. Part II. Large-scale variability across the tropical western Pacific during TOGA COARE. J. Climate, 7, 1606-1622.

  • Kiladis, G., G. Meehl and K. Weickmann, 1994: The large scale circulation associated with westerly wind bursts and deep convection over the western equatorial Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 18527-18544.

  • Weickmann, K. and P. Sardeshmukh, 1994: The atmospheric angular momentum budget associated with a Madden-Julian Oscillation. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 3194-3208.

  • Alexander, M. and K. Weickmann, 1995: Biennial variability in an atmospheric general circulation model. J. Climate, 8, 431-440.

  • Kessler, W., M. McPhaden and K. Weickmann, 1995: Forcing of intraseasonal Kelvin waves in the equatorial Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 10,613-10,631.

  • Meehl, G. A., G. N. Kiladis, K. M. Weickmann, M. Wheeler, D. S. Gutzler and G. P. Compo, 1996: Modulation of equatorial subseasonal convective episodes by tropical-extratropical interaction in the Indian and Pacific Ocean regions. J. Geophys. Res., 101, D10, 15033-15049.

  • Weickmann, K., G. Kiladis and P. Sardeshmukh, 1997: The dynamics of intraseasonal atmospheric angular momentum oscillations. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 1445-1461.

  • Kiladis, G. N. and K. M. Weickmann, 1997: Horizontal structure and seasonality of large-scale circulations associated with submonthly tropical convection. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 1997-2013.

  • Huang, H.-P., P.D. Sardeshmukh and K. Weickmann, 1999: The balance of global angular momentum in a long-term atmospheric data set. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 2031-2040.

  • Weickmann, K.M., W.A. Robinson and M.C. Penland, 2000: Stochastic and oscillatory forcing of global atmospheric angular momentum. J. Geophys. Res., 105, D12, 15543-15557.

  • Whitaker, J.S. and K.M. Weickmann, 2001: Subseasonal variations of tropical convection and week two prediction of wintertime western North American rainfall. J. Climate, 14, 1524-1534.

  • Bergman, J., H. Hendon and K. Weickmann, 2001: Intraseasonal air-sea interactions at the onset of El Nino. J. Climate, 14, 1702-1719.

  • Meehl, G.A., R. Lukas, G. Kiladis, K. Weickmann, A. Matthews and M. Wheeler, 2001: A conceptual framework for time and space scale interactions in the climate system. Climate Dynamics, 15, 753-775.

  • Huang, H.-H., K.M. Weickmann and C.J. Hsu, 2001: Trend in atmospheric angular momentum in a transient climate change simulation with greenhouse gas and aerosol forcing. J. Climate, 14, 1525-1534.

  • Wheeler, M. and K. Weickmann, 2001: Real time momitoring of modes of coherent synoptic to intraseasonal convective variability. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129,2677-2694.

  • Weickmann, K.M., 2003: Mountains, the global frictional torque and the circulation over the Pacific/North American region. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 2608-2622.

  • Egger, J. and K.-P. Hoinka, K.M. Weickmann, H.-P. Huang, 2003: Angular momentum budgets based on NCEP and ECMWF reanalysis data: an intercomparison. J. Climate, 131, 2577-2585.

  • Huang, H.-P., and K.M. Weickmann, R.D. Rosen, 2003: Unusual behavior in Atmospheric Angular Momentum during the 1965 and 1972 El Ninos. J. Climate, 16, 2526-2539.

  • Li, S., M. Hoerling, S. Peng and K. Weickmann, 2006: The annular response to tropical Pacific SST forcing. J. Climate, 19, 1802-1819.

  • Waliser, D., K. Weickmann, et al., 2006: The experimental MJO prediction project. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 87, 425-431.

  • Lin, J., et al., 2006: Tropical intraseasonal variability in 14 IPCC AR4 climate models. Part 1: Convective signals. J. Climate, 19, 2665-2690.

  • Weickmann, K.M. and E. Berry, 2006: A synoptic-dynamic model of subseasonal atmospheric variability, Mon. Wea. Rev., in press.

  • Li, S., W. Robinson, M. Hoerling and K. Weickmann, 2006: Dynamics of the extratropical response to a tropical Atlantic SST anomaly. J. Climate, in press.

  • Egger, J. and K. Weickmann, 2006: Latitude-height structure of the atmospheric angular momentum cycle associated with the Madden-Julian oscillation. Mon. Wea. Rev., accepted.

Last update: Monday, 05-Jan-2009 16:52:04 MST