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LANL AIRNET Plots of Recent Air Concentration Data

Trends by Site Group and Isotope/Element

Sometimes trends in data can more easily be seen in graphical rather than tabular form. We group stations with similar locations together on the same plot instead of graphing them individually to facilitate comparison amongst the data.

These plots, except for tritium, alpha, and beta, represent the average air concentrations by calendar quarter for the most recent eight quarters. Tritium, alpha, and beta are analyzed on a biweekly basis and the plots present two years worth of air concentration data. This time period was selected as representative of the most recent air quality trends at the Laboratory.

The EPA limits the air pathway dose to a member of the public to 10 mrem per year. The label on the bottom of each isotopic plot reports the air concentration equivalent of this annual dose limit for each isotope.

All data plotted, including the analytical uncertainty data, can be found in the "Air Concentration by Site and Isotope/Element" pages. Detection limits are described on the AIRNET Program Description page.

Air Concentration Trend Plots (pdf)
Sampling Site Groups Alpha Am-241 Be Beta Pu-238 Pu-239 Tritium U-234 U-235 U-238
Northern NM Region
Los Alamos Townsite - Eastern Perimeter
Los Alamos Townsite - Western Perimeter
White Rock & LANL Eastern Boundary
LANL On-Site - General
LANL On-Site - Firing Sites (TA-15)
LANL On-Site - DP West (TA-21)
LANL On-Site - Waste Disposal Area

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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