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National Standard Curricula
2002 National Guidelines for Educating EMS Instructors
The purpose of this course is to improve the initial education and the professional development of the country’s EMS instructors. This course replaces the March 1996 EMS Instructor Training Program (HS808 374) and was developed by the National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE).

First Responder: National Standard Curriculum
Formats Available: PDF format: (frnsc.pdf, 720k) | MS Word 7.0 format: (frnsc.doc, 1215k)
This is the 1995 release of the First Responder: National Standard Curriculum. It contains the Course Guide and Instructor Lesson Plan and it is designed for instructors to teach the new First Responder course.

First Responder REFRESHER: National Standard Curriculum
Formats Available: MS Word 7.0 format: (refresh2.doc 721k) | PDF format: (refresh2.pdf 430k)
This is the 1996 release of the First Responder Refresher: National Standard Curriculum. It contains the Course Guide and Instructor Lesson Plans. This course is designed to refresh those First Responders already trained to the 1995 First Responder level, not to transition current 1978 First Responders to the 1995 level.

EMT - Basic (06/22/95)
Formats Available: PDF format: (emtbnsc.pdf, 1314k) | MS Word 7.0 format: (emtbnsc.doc, 2968k)
This is the 1994 release of the Emergency Medical Technician-Basic: National Standard Curriculum. It contains the Course Guide and Instructor Lesson Plan and it is designed for instructors to teach the new EMT- Basic course.

EMT-Basic REFRESHER: National Standard Curriculum
Formats Available: PDF Format: (basicref.pdf, 291k) | MS Word 6.x Format: (basicref.doc, 322k)
The intent of this refresher curriculum is to assist States in transitioning current EMT-A’s to the EMT-Basic level and to allow States to re-train their current EMT-Basic’s on a continuing basis.

Supplemental Airway Modules for the EMT-Basic: NSC (.PDF Version)
This is a tool designed to assist EMS instructors with teaching the airway modules found within the 1994 EMT-Basic: National Standard Curriculum. This document supports, but does not replace, sections 2.1 and 4.2 of the EMT-Basic. We encourage the State EMS Offices and members of the EMS education community to distribute this document to all EMT-Basic instructors.

Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate: National Standard Curriculum
This is the 1999 release of the Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate: National Standard Curriculum. It contains the Course Guide and Instructor Modules. It is designed for instructors to assist in teaching the new EMT- Intermediate course. The contents of these files are identical to the printed version now available on CD Rom through the NHTSA EMS Division.

EMT-Intermediate REFRESHER: National Standard Curriculum
This is the 2001 EMT-Intermediate: National Standard Curriculum Refresher Course. This course is intended for the EMS community to use to refresh their current Intermediate providers who have been educated to the 1999 EMT-Intermediate level. This course is not intended to transition current 1985 Intermediates to the revised 1999 level. The course was developed by the National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE)

Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic: National Standard Curriculum (EMT-P) Release of 1998

EMT-Paramedic REFRESHER: National Standard Curriculum
This is the 2001 EMT-Paramedic: National Standard Curriculum Refresher Course. This course is intended for the EMS community to use to refresh their current Paramedic providers who have been educated to the 1998 EMT-Intermediate level. This course is not intended to transition current 1985 Paramedics to the revised 1998 level. The course was developed by the National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE)

EMT-P and EMT-I Continuing Education National Guidelines (html | pdf)
This is the 1999 release of the EMT-P and EMT-I Continuing Education Guidelines. One of the products of the ALS curricula revision project, it contains recommendations and guidance for the development of continuing education programs. The contents of these files are identical to the printed version now available on CD-ROM through the Division.

EMT-Paramedic and EMT-Intermediate Comparison Documents
The purpose of these documents is to compare the objectives in the revised 1998 EMT-P: NSC with those in the 1985 EMT-P, and the objectives in the 1999 EMT-I: NSC with those in the 1985 EMT-I. State EMS offices, EMS education programs, and EMS providers can use these documents to revise their current EMT-P and I programs to meet the revised standards. The National Council of State EMS Training Coordinators (NCSEMSTC) developed these documents.
1998 EMT-P Comparison Document (.PDF version)
1999 EMT-I Comparison Document (.PDF version)

Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD)
This is the Instructor and Student Guide. This course does not use a dispatcher card system.

Emergency Vehicle Operators Course (Ambulance): National Standard Curriculum
Instructor Guide (.PDF Version)
Participant Manual
This is the 1995 release of the EVOC and as the name suggests, this curriculum only addresses emergency vehicle operations as they relate to the safe operation of ambulances (Please contact the United State Fire Administration for EVOC for other emergency vehicles). This curriculum consists of an instructor guide and participant manual which allow for the inclusion of local and State laws and organizational operation procedures. This course is set-up in three modules: classroom education, driving range management and on-the-job performance recommendations.

EMS Educator Guidelines
This course replaces the 1995 EMS Instructor Course.

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