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Student Handbook


EES Student Handbook

Mentor Information

To be a mentor, you must complete the 10-15 minute annual on-line course by June 29, 2007. Once you have completed this on-line training, you will receive credit in the EDS System.

For more information on mentors and mentoring, visit the internal lab mentor site.


How to Hire a Student

These procedures are detailed in the HR web page.�You may also want to read the Mentor Toolkit, updated for 2007.

  1. Create/modify the student's work plan.�
  2. Student must complete the supplemental employment form (F-902) and return it to the mentor�
  3. Student must provide his/her latest transcript and resume.
  4. Mentor completes the job demands form (F-1793).
  5. If the student is a foreign national, complete the security plan form (F-982).
  6. If the student needs a cryptocard, complete the background investigation request form (F-1817).
  7. Complete the Intake Form.
  8. E-mail Sebastien to let him know you are hiring a student.
  9. Send the whole package to any HR people.


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