U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Notice No. 012

November 27, 1974

OCS Operations Safety Alert

Boat Collides with Well

A very serious accident occurred recently when an offshore workboat collided with a well satellite structure.

The boat struck the well jacket during the night, at which time there were no aids to navigation in operation on the structure. The structure and well equipment sustained severe damage and moderate damage was incurred by the boat. The wellhead was broken below the lower master valve and the subsurface safety valve actuated, shutting in the well and preventing pollution.

The aids to navigation had been rendered inoperable by Hurricane Carmen two weeks earlier and the service contractor had been unable to make repairs because of the extensive damage in the area.

The operator installed temporary NAVAIDS shortly after the workboat collision, and Coast Guard approval was granted until supplies were available for repair of the permanent equipment.

In order to prevent recurrence of this accident, when aids to navigation are lost from service on a structure, the operator plans to install as quickly as possible temporary NAVAID equipment for use in the interim until repairs to permanent equipment can be made.

[signature] D.W. Solanas

Oil and Gas Supervisor

Field Operations

Gulf of Mexico Area