U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Notice No. 129

June 15, 1984

OCS Operations Safety Alert

Welding Explosion and Injury

An all too common human error occurred on the Gulf of Mexico OCS recently causing an injury and some damage.

The accident was caused by a welder attempting to cut the top out of a drum without flushing and filling the drum properly. The drum had warning labels on its side indicating flammable liquid. The drum exploded and threw the welder against the wall of the welding shack.

To prevent a recurrence of this type of accident, the operation will again stress the company's welding procedures and instructions. Drums should be flushed with water and left full of water when cutting is necessary.

[signed] D.W. Solanas

Regional Supervisor

Rules and Production

Gulf of Mexico OCS Region