U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Notice No. 113

July 18, 1983

OCS Operations Safety Alert


A fire occurred offshore recently in the LACT unit building on a production platform. The fire was apparently caused by a leak in the plastic instrument gas tubing in the LACT unit shutdown panel. Possible sources of ignition were: friction heat from a slipping pipeline pump clutch, improper electrical installations, or pipeline pump engine exhaust heat or sparks. The fire was a gas-only fire as none of the liquids in the LACT unit caught fire. The fire loop activated the ESD (emergency shutdown) and shut in the platform.

The fire was extinguished with hand extinguishers in approximately 20 minutes. There were no injuries, but damage was extensive to the LACT unit shutdown panel and the pipeline pump.

To prevent recurrence of this type of accident, the operator has taken the following actions:

1. The LACT unit shutdown panel has been equipped with stainless steel tubing.

2. The exhaust piping on the pipeline pumps has been extended an additional 4-feet, and additional insulation has been installed at the flange connection to the pump engine and on the exhaust extension.

3. A shutdown valve, activated by the emergency shutdown system, has been installed on the fuel/instrument gas supply line to the LACT unit and pipeline pumps.

4. The improper electrical installations have been corrected.

[signed] D.W. Solanas

Regional Supervisor

Offshore Operations Support

Gulf of Mexico OCS Region