U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Notice No. 084

March 16, 1979

OCS Operations Safety Alert


An accident occurred recently on an offshore drilling rig resulting in fatal injuries to one man.

The drilling crew was securing the rig and a well prior to evacuation for a storm. The crew was laying down a 4" drill collar when a pipe tester helper began assisting in the work. A braided choker sling attached to the drill collar came loose and the drill collar fell. The crew members were able to get out of the way but the pipe tester helper slipped and fell. He was struck across the back by the drill collar and received fatal injuries.

To prevent a recurrence of this type of accident the operator has instructed their drilling contractors to use lift plugs when hoisting drill collars to prevent the sling or tail chains from slipping off the ends of the drill collars.

[signed] D.W. Solanas

Oil and Gas Supervisor

Operations Support

Gulf of Mexico Area