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Support primary care and home health providers

I read an excellent NYT blog contribution today describing the efforts of Dr Jack Resnick to provide home-based comprehensive care to his aging and often frail patients on Roosevelt Island. He effectively and succinctly described the potential benefits to be reaped from supporting physicians who make house calls and home health aides who provide essential care to so many Americans. Equally compelling was the description of the complications that can arise when vulnerable patients are hospitalized for treatments that could be delivered at home. 

Can we not agree that part of delivering high-quality, modern American health care involves recognizing the benefits of personalized and compassionate home-based care? Especially when there are measurable advantages in terms of cost and complications.

As a hospital-based physician, I call on the president-elect and his health care and economics teams to remember Dr Resnick and those like him. Remember that the tiny number of dedicated physicians making house calls, and the unsung heroes who work as home health aides, are giving of themselves to provide compassionate, efficient, personalized care. They deserve better incentives (such as enhanced reimbursement for their services, educational loan forgiveness programs, and competitive small business startup assistance), as well as subsidized access to electronic medical records and broadband, and to be recognized for their efforts. 

3 Comments  »  Posted by JohnL to Economy, Health Care on 1/12/2009 3:34 PM


1/12/2009 3:37 PM
good points.....will check out Dr Resnick in NYTImes blogs.
1/12/2009 3:52 PM
There is a NP in Now Orleans, who does the same thing. She started seeing her patients at home after Katrina. She was one of few health care providers left. this is a perfect ideathat should be implemented.
Wish I had the courage and money to start this kind of practice. In our health care'system' people those who could provide health care at less cost are prevented by turf wars with doctors
1/12/2009 4:14 PM
 Thanks Elise. I didn't mean to leave out Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants who do such good work too. 

Another idea. What about a tax credit for home health workers (nurses, nursing assistants, etc), or a contribution to a health care savings account? I'm in favor of affordable coverage for all, but in the interim why not help those who care for others have easier access to health care for themselves? I guarantee that Mr Obama met at least one home health worker on the campaign trail without insurance for themselves or their family.
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