Mentoring Grants

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Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. If we currently have a Mentoring Program grant, can we be a part of a consortium and apply for a new grant?
  2. Is the funding amount per year or does it cover all three years?
  3. May an applicant request a funding amount under or above the funding range?
  4. Is there an in-kind match requirement for this program?
  5. My program uses peer mentors - may high school students serve as mentors?
  6. What is the ideal mentor/student ratio?
  7. If I am a community-based organization, is it required to locate the program at a school site?
  8. The application states that grantees must provide an assurance that the program will expose children to experiences that they might not otherwise encounter on their own. Can I take my students to a fun event like a pro basketball game?
  9. If I am not allowed to use grant funds to pay for a sporting event, may I purchase games or other recreation equipment?
  10. May I use grant funds to pay for personal mentor/student outings or to purchase student incentives?
  11. May grant funds be used to pay for an end of year awards/recognition ceremony?
  12. Am I allowed to use grant funds to cover transportation costs?
  13. May I use funds from this grant to provide snacks for students?
  14. What kind of supplies may I purchase with these funds?
  15. May I submit an application on behalf of my local school or does it have to be submitted by the district?
  16. May I use grant funds to train mentors and staff?
  17. May I use grant funds to pay for criminal background checks for mentors?
  18. My district has one K-12 school. May we apply for a grant?
  19. We plan to serve students in grades 6, 7, and 8. May we continue to serve these same students in years two and three even though some will no longer be in middle school?
  20. Since this is a school-based program, does that mean we cannot have mentoring activities when school is not in session?
  21. Is there a restricted indirect cost rate for this program?
  22. Does support the new Microsoft Vista Operating System?
  23. Do I need to provide the Funding Opportunity Number (Item #12) and the Competition Identification Number (Item #13) on the SF-424?

1. If we currently have a Mentoring Program grant, can we be a part of a consortium and apply for a new grant?

No. To be eligible for funding, each member of a consortium must meet all eligibility requirements. See 34 CFR 75.127(a) (eligible parties may apply as a group) and 34 CFR 75.128(b)(2) (each member of the group is bound to every statement and assurance made in the application).


2. Is the funding amount per year or does it cover all three years?

Under this program we estimate that the funding amount will range from $100,000 to $200,000 per project year. Projects will be funded for up to 36 months, contingent upon the demonstration of substantial progress each year toward meeting project goals and objectives and the availability of future funds.


3. May an applicant request a funding amount under or above the funding range?

The funding range for this program is estimated to be $100,000 to $200,000. However, applicants are allowed to ask for amounts that are either lesser or greater than this range, provided there is sufficient justification (please note that requesting a lesser amount does not guarantee an award).


4. Is there an in-kind match requirement for this program?

No. There is no in-kind match for this program.


5. My program uses peer mentors - may high school students serve as mentors?

Yes. Secondary school students may serve as mentors under this program.


6. What is the ideal mentor/student ratio?

The ideal mentor/student relationship is a one-to-one relationship, where practicable. However it is not a requirement for funding under this program.


7. If I am a community-based organization, is it required to locate the program at a school site?

No. While program activities must be coordinated in close collaboration with a school, applicants are allowed flexibility in determining the most appropriation location.


8. The application states that grantees must provide an assurance that the program will expose children to experiences that they might not otherwise encounter on their own. Can I take my students to a fun event like a pro basketball game?

All activities must be educational and/or cultural in nature, not solely for entertainment or diversionary purposes. Using grant funds for activities such as award ceremonies, sporting events, picnics, and camping trips are considered to be recreational events and is strictly prohibited.


9. If I am not allowed to use grant funds to pay for a sporting event, may I purchase games or other recreation equipment?

No. Grant funds may not be used to purchase games, game equipment or game software. Any proposed activity must be strictly educational and/or cultural in nature, not solely for entertainment or diversionary purposes.


10. May I use grant funds to pay for personal mentor/student outings or to purchase student incentives?

Grant funds may not be used to pay for personal mentor/student expenses, or for the purchase of incentives or awards.


11. May grant funds be used to pay for an end of year awards/recognition ceremony?

No. Grant funds cannot be used for events, activities, ceremonies, awards, high tea, banquets, or any other entertainment events.


12. Am I allowed to use grant funds to cover transportation costs?

Grant funds may be used to cover certain transportation costs directly related to travel to proposed educational and cultural activities. Mentors may not be reimbursed for personal travel expenses.


13. May I use funds from this grant to provide snacks for students?

No. Grant funds may not be used for the purchase of food or beverages, expenses related to parties, picnics, or any other item not directly related to mentoring students.


14. What kind of supplies may I purchase with these funds?

Under this program you may purchase materials or supplies required by mentoring coordinators and support staff in carrying out the mentoring program.


15. May I submit an application on behalf of my local school or does it have to be submitted by the district?

Eligible applicants are local educational agencies and nonprofit community-based organizations. Individual schools within a school district are not eligible to apply for funding under this program.


16. May I use grant funds to train mentors and staff?

Yes. Under this program you may use grant funds to pay for the professional development of mentoring coordinators and support staff, and for the training and support of mentors.


17. May I use grant funds to pay for criminal background checks for mentors?

Yes. Grant funds may be used for the costs associated with background checks.


18. My district has one K-12 school. May we apply for a grant?

You are eligible to apply if you meet the eligibility requirements of this program and propose mentoring programs and activities to serve children with the greatest need in the 4th through 8th grades living in rural areas, high-crime areas, or troubled home environments, or children experiencing educational failure.


19. We plan to serve students in grades 6, 7, and 8. May we continue to serve these same students in years two and three even though some will no longer be in middle school?

Yes. To the extent practicable, applicants must propose programs that follow the same students for the entire life of the program. New participants may be selected to replace students who are not able to continue in the program, or for other reasons related to attrition.


20. Since this is a school-based program, does that mean we cannot have mentoring activities when school is not in session?

No. Mentoring projects funded by this program are intended to be year-round to the extent practicable, including weekends and during the summer months.


21. Is there a restricted indirect cost rate for this program?

No. You may charge indirect costs using the rate negotiated with your cognizant federal agency (e.g., Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of the Interior).

If you claim indirect costs in your budget and do not have a negotiated rate with the federal government, you have 90 days from the time you transmit your application to submit the necessary paperwork to ED to receive a negotiated indirect cost rate. For more information, please visit


22. Does support the new Microsoft Vista Operating System?

No. Please note that does not currently support the new Microsoft Vista Operating system. The PureEdge software used by for forms is not compatible with Vista. In addition, the new version of Microsoft Word saves documents with the extension “.DOCX.” The system does not process Microsoft Word documents with the extension “.DOCX.” When submitting Microsoft Word attachments to, please use the version of Microsoft Word that ends in “.DOC.” If you have any questions regarding this matter please email the Contact Center at or call (800) 518-4726.


23. Do I need to provide the Funding Opportunity Number (Item #12) and the Competition Identification Number (Item #13) on the SF-424?

If you are submitting your application electronically via, then you will need to provide these numbers. They can be located on website on the application download page and also on the application package page once the package has been downloaded. If you are submitting a hard copy of your application, then you do not need to provide these numbers as they are used strictly for the electronic package submitted via


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Last Modified: 04/24/2007

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