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The Health Center Program: 2006 National Aggregate UDS Data



National Summary for 2006
37 Grantees

Public Housing

Income as Percent of Poverty Level Number of Patients (a) Percent of Total Percent of Known
1. 100% and Below 93,775 72.5% 83.9%
2. 101 - 150% 11,474 8.9% 10.3%
3. 151 - 200% 3,466 2.7% 3.1%
4. Over 200% 3,108 2.4% 2.8%
5. Unknown 17,457 13.5%  
6. Total (sum lines 1-5) 129,280 100.0%  
Principal Third Party Insurance Source 0 - 19 (a) 20 and Older (b) Total Percent
7. None/Uninsured 11,840 41,259 53,099 41.1%
8a. Regular Medicaid (Title XIX) 35,204 20,398 55,602 43.0%
8b. S-CHIP Medicaid 2,417 1,494 3,911 3.0%
8. Total Medicaid (Line 8a + 8b) 37,621 21,892 59,513 46.0%
9. Medicare (Title XVIII) 88 5,347 5,435 4.2%
10a. Other Public Insurance non-S-CHIP 1,622 795 2,417 1.9%
10b. Other Public Insurance S-CHIP 1,956 37 1,993 1.5%
10. Total Public Insurance (Line 10a + 10b) 3,578 832 4,410 3.4%
11. Private Insurance 2,360 4,463 6,823 5.3%
12. Total (Sum Lines 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11) 55,487 73,793 129,280 100.0%
Selected Patient Characteristics Number of Patients (a) Percent
13. Migrant (330g grantees Only) 228 19.6%
14. Seasonal (330g grantees Only) 934 80.4%
15. Total Migrant/Seasonal Agricultural Worker or Dependent
(MHC Funded Total)
1,162 100.0%
  Total Migrant/Seasonal Agricultural Worker or Dependent
(All Grantees Report This Line)
16. Homeless Shelter (330h grantees Only) 41 12.1%
17. Transitional (330h grantees Only) 34 10.0%
18. Doubling Up (330h grantees Only) 45 13.3%
19. Street (330h grantees Only) 19 5.6%
20. Other (330h grantees Only) 11 3.2%
21. Unknown (330h grantees Only) 189 55.8%
22. Total Homeless (HO Funded Total) 339 100.0%
  Total Homeless (All Grantees Report This Line) 1,251  
23. Total School Based Health Center Patients
(All Grantees Report this Line)
Date Printed: 7/2/2007 7:11:42
* Percents may not equal 100% due to rounding
* Grantees without HO and/or MHC funding report totals on line 15 and 22, but not the detail. These lines are duplicated to show totals from all grantees
* Includes Universal Data for any selected grantee with a single category of Special Populations funding.