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The Health Center Program: 2006 National Aggregate UDS Data



National Summary for 2006
140 Grantees

Migrant Health

PERSONNEL BY MAJOR SERVICE CATEGORY Encounters (b) Patients (c) Encounters as Percent of Group Encounters as Percent of Total Patients as Percent of Table3A (Unduplicated)
1. Family Practitioners 707,661   32.9% 24.4%  
2. General Practitioners 61,417   2.9% 2.1%  
3. Internists 120,393   5.6% 4.1%  
4. Obstetrician/Gynecologists 130,119   6.0% 4.5%  
5. Pediatricians 236,228   11.0% 8.1%  
7. Other Specialty Physicians 13,621   0.6% 0.5%  
8. Total Physicians (lines 1 - 7) 1,269,439   59.0% 43.7%  
9a. Nurse Practitioners 287,695   13.4% 9.9%  
9b. Physician Assistants 372,154   17.3% 12.8%  
10. Certified Nurse Midwives 36,635   1.7% 1.3%  
11. Nurses 186,911   8.7% 6.4%  
12. Other Medical Personnel          
13. Laboratory Personnel          
14. X-ray Personnel          
15. Total Medical Care Services (lines 8 - 14) 2,152,834 652,379 100.0% 74.2% 86.0%
16. Dentists 310,791   88.7% 10.7%  
17. Dental Hygienists 39,493   11.3% 1.4%  
18. Dental Assistants, Aides, and Technicians          
19. Total Dental Services (lines 16 - 18) 350,284 137,104 100.0% 12.1% 18.1%
20a. Psychiatrists 5,889   13.3% 0.2%  
20b. Other Licensed Mental Health Providers 28,923   65.4% 1.0%  
20c. Other Mental Health Staff 9,424   21.3% 0.3%  
20. Mental Health Services (lines 20a + 20b + 20c) 44,236 12,567 100.0% 1.5% 1.7%
21. Substance Abuse Services 4,910 1,094 100.0% 0.2% 0.1%
22. Other Professional Services 43,503 16,535 100.0% 1.5% 2.2%
23. Pharmacy Personnel          
24. Case Managers 146,968   48.0% 5.1%  
25. Education Specialists 158,950   52.0% 5.5%  
26. Outreach workers          
27. Transportation Staff          
28. Other enabling services          
29. Total Enabling Services (lines 24 - 28) 305,918 117,254 100.0% 10.5% 15.5%
29A. Other Programs and Services          
30. Administrative Staff          
31. Facility Staff          
32. Patient services support staff          
33. Total Administration and Facility (lines 30 - 32)          
34. Total (Total Lines 15+19+20+21+22+23+29+29A+33) 2,901,685     100.0%  
Date Printed: 7/2/2007 7:09:07
* Subtotals may differ from the sum of cells due to rounding.
* Percent unduplicated patients exceeds 100% due to use of multiple services
* Includes Universal Data for any selected grantee with a single category of Special Populations funding.