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Illinois Natural History Survey Botany Collection
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The Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) Herbarium Collection is composed of four distinct groups: vascular plants, fungi, algae and bryophytes totaling more than 295,000 accessioned specimens. The vascular plants, algae and bryophytes are mostly collected from the United States and predominantly from Illinois. The Fungi are mostly collected from throughout the United States and Canada with a large pathological collection from Illinois, a large aquatic collection from the southeastern United States, and a smaller collection from the neotropics.

The Herbarium Collection contains more than 917 types, 235 holotypes, 343 isotypes, and more than 300 other types. The holotypes are predominantly fungi (234 holotypes) with only a single holotype in the vascular plants. The isotypes and/or paratypes are also predominantly fungi with only six in the vascular plants. The INHS herbarium collections are the third largest in Illinois; the Field Museum (FM) in Chicago is the largest (2,650,000) and the University of Illinois in Urbana (UIUC) is the second largest (520,000). Nationally, out of more than 500 herbaria, the INHS herbarium ranks forty-seventh, the UIUC herbarium ranks twenty-first, and the FM herbarium ranks fourth. When INHS and UIUC combine herbaria, the combined collection will rank fifteenth nationally.

©Illinois Natural History Survey
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Last updated: Monday, 05-Feb-2007 16:39:05 CST