American Printing House for the Blind

   Current Section  Funding Status
Applicant Info
 Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Home
Funding Status

Fiscal Year 2000: $10,100,000
Fiscal Year 2001: $12,000,000
Fiscal Year 2002: $14,000,000
Fiscal Year 2003: $15,399,000
Fiscal Year 2004: $16,402,650
Fiscal Year 2005: $16,864,000
Fiscal Year 2006: $17,572,500
Fiscal Year 2007: $17,572,500
Fiscal Year 2008: $21,615,660



Number of New Awards Anticipated: 1 noncompetitive award.

Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.

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Last Modified: 09/08/2008

No Child Left Behind
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