
Program at a Glance
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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

Program Office: Office of English Language Acquisition

CFDA Number: 84.365C
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants
Also Known As: Native American Program


This program provides grants to eligible entities that support language instruction education projects for limited English proficient (LEP) children from Native American, Alaska Native, native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander backgrounds. The program is designed to ensure that LEP children master English and meet the same rigorous standards for academic achievement that all children are expected to meet. Funds may support the study of Native American languages.


Projects may include teacher training, curriculum development, and evaluation and assessment to support the core program of student instruction and parent-community participation. Student instruction may comprise preschool, elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels or combinations of these levels.

Last Modified: 08/28/2008