Ready-to-Teach Grant Program

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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

CFDA Number: 84.286
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants
Also Known As: Telecommunications Demostration Project for Mathematics


The Ready-to-Teach Grant Program supports two types of competitive grants to nonprofit telecommunications entities: (a) grants to carry out a national telecommunications-based program to improve teaching in core curriculum areas and (b) digital educational programming grants that enable eligible entities to develop, produce, and distribute educational and instructional video programming. National telecommunications-based program grants are generally five-year awards. Digital educational programming grants must last three years, require a match of not less than 100 percent from funded applicants, and must be based on challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards in reading or mathematics.


This program supports projects that promote online professional development for teachers in core curricular areas and projects that develop, distribute, and produce educational video programming.

Additional Information

The Ready to Teach program supports two types of competitive grants to nonprofit telecommunications entities: (a) grants to carry out a national telecommunications-based program to improve teaching in core curriculum areas; and (b) digital educational programming grants that enable eligible entities to develop, produce, and distribute innovative educational and instructional video programming. In order to allow grantees sufficient time to produce a significant body of meaningful content, digital education programming grants last for a period of 3 years. Digital educational programming grants also require a match of not less than 100 percent. They also must be based on challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards in reading or mathematics. Prior to fiscal year 2002, only a national telecommunications-based demonstration project for mathematics was authorized.

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Last Modified: 09/18/2008

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