FY 2007 CFRP Approved Projects

Proposal # Project Title Lead Organization Federal
Fed Funding
CFRP 05-07 Rev1 Reducing Oneseed Juniper in Preparation for Prescribed Fire on the Pueblo of Santa Ana - A Continuing Commitment to Watershed Restoration Pueblo of Santa Ana $356,274 $356,274
CFRP 07-07 Bosque Riparian Nursey Restoration Project Tree New Mexico $327,874.94 $327,874.94
CFRP 08-07 Rev 1 A Complement to the Previous Pinos Altos Wildfire Risk Reduction and Smallwood Utilization Project Michael Deubel dba
Alternative Forestry Unlimited
$360,000 $360,000
CFRP 13-07 Ruidoso Schools Natural Resources Outdoor Learning Center Ruiodos Municipal Schools District $345,407 $345,407
CFRP 16-07 Santa Cruz and Embudo Creek Watershed Multijurisdictional Restoration and Protection Project Forest Guild $336,302 $336,302
CFRP 17-07 Tres Piedras Wildland Urban Interface Restoration and Utilization Project Kuykendall and Sons Sawmill $360,000 $360,000
CFRP 18-07 Rev 1 New Forest Enterprise at Picuris Pueblo; forest thinning, ecological monitoring, soil restoration, and student education Pueblo of Picuris $359,994.75 $359,994.75
CFRP 22-07 Application of an Economically Viable and Sustainable Forest Management Prescription that will Restore Forests to a Natural "Fire-Regime-Ready", Ecologically Balanced Condition Barela Timber Management Company, Inc $359,870 $359,870
CFRP 24-07 Capacity Building in Flooring from Small Diameter Timber Old Wood, LLC $360,000 $360,000
CFRP 25-07 Rev 1 Beaver Habitat Restoration in the Jemez Mountains Pueblo of Santa Clara $359,949 $171,455.03
CFRP 27-07 Santa Fe Municipal Watershed Restoration Project: Demonstrating Community Collaboration in Long Term Watershed & Financial Management Santa Fe Watershed Association $63,774 $63,774
CFRP 28-07 Forest to Farm: Composting Forest Residuals to Support Community Agriculture Santo Domingo Tribe $349,048.28 $349,048.28
CFRP 29-07 Rev 1 Ocate Community Protection, Restoration and Collaborative Management Project Southwest Wood Products and Thinning $360,000 $360,000
$4,333,493.97 $4,110,000