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Southwestern Region
333 Broadway SE [map]
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 842-3292
TTY: (505) 842-3198

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Plan Revision


On April 21, 2008, the U.S. Forest Service published the final rule and record of decision regarding the National Forest System land management planning framework.  The rule (also referred to as the 2008 planning rule or 2008 National Forest Management Act planning rule) sets up requirements for sustainability of social, economic, and ecological systems, and gives directions for developing, amending, revising and monitoring land management plans.  The rule also clarifies that land management plans under this final rule are strategic in nature and are one stage in an adaptive cycle of planning for management of National Forest System lands. 
The intended effects of the rule are to:

    • strengthen the role of science in planning,
    • strengthen collaborative relationships with the public and other governmental entities,
    • reaffirm the principles of sustainable management consistent with the Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of 1960 and other authorities, and
    • improve the planning process by increasing adaptability to changes in social, economic, and environmental conditions.

This final rule replaces the 2005 and 2000 final rules, as amended, and is effective immediately.  More information on the 2008 planning rule is at:


The Southwestern Region’s strategy for plan revisions is to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of our resources and time.  In order to do this five principles have been identified.  These principles are: (1) plan revisions will be based on the need for change where new information indicates that existing management direction is no longer appropriate; (2) plan revisions will be strategic in nature by defining outcomes desired and not site-specific planning; (3) they will be developed in a collaborative environment, (4) plan revisions will be scientifically credible; and (5) make the most efficient use of time and dollars. more »


The Plan Revision process has changed much since forest plans were developed under regulations dating back to 1982.  The 2008 planning rule provides the framework for individuals forest and grassland plan revisions. more »


The Southwestern Region has invested heavily over the last 3 years to obtain assessments to provide the information necessary to describe the current ecological, social, and economic conditions and trends for the revision of the Southwestern Region forest plans. more »

All Arizona Forests and the Cibola National Grasslands in New Mexico are currently engaged in the plan revision process. Please use the link above to visit our Forest Web sites for information on how you can get involved.


Public participation, especially collaboration, is greatly strengthened in the 2008 planning rule.  A collaborative approach to planning is intended to ensure as much participation as possible while completing plan revisions in an appropriate amount of time.   

All six National Forests in Arizona and the Cibola National Grasslands in New Mexico are beginning their plan revision process.  Throughout the plan revision process there will be numerous opportunities to be involved.  Please visit the Forest Web sites for information on upcoming open houses, public meetings or forums.


PROGRAM MANAGER: Matt Turner, 333 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505-842-3214, Contact Us

U.S. Forest Service - Southwestern Region
Last Modified: Wednesday, 03 December 2008 at 12:22:21 EST

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