
Program at a Glance
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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

Program Office: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)

CFDA Number: 84.133B
Program Type:Discretionary/Competitive Grants, Cooperative Agreements

Program Description

The RRTCs conduct coordinated and advanced programs of research, training, and information dissemination. Each RRTC has a major program of research in a particular area, such as mental illness, vocational rehabilitation (VR), or independent living, which is specified by NIDRR. The RRTCs must serve as centers of national excellence and national or regional resources for providers and individuals with disabilities and their representatives. RRTC awards are for five years, except that grants to new recipients or to support new or innovative research may be made for fewer than five years.

Types of Projects

Each year, competitions are held in specific areas that determine the types of projects.

Note: This is one of several NIDRR grant programs. Congress provides an appropriation for NIDRR as a whole; see the main entry for NIDRR (# 84.133), under the topical heading "Disability and Rehabilitation Research." The amounts listed here are a portion of the total NIDRR appropriation. Some awards are cofunded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Amounts above represent NIDRR funding only.

Last Modified: 09/04/2008