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Wildland Fire Safety

Prevention header with an arial photo of wildland/urban interface and prevention display

Reducing the threat from fire: a personal responsibility in the wildland/urban interface


As more people choose to build homes, operate businesses and recreate in areas where wildlands border more urban areas, the threat to private property from wildland fire increases. Creating "defensible" or "survivable" space around structures can make the difference between returning to an intact home or a smoldering pile of ashes if a wildfire moves through the area.

Neither wildland firefighting agencies or local fire departments can adequately protect the growing number of structures in interface areas. It is critical that private landowners take steps on their own to protect their property. There are now many resources available to assist property owners, including a number of Web sites with excellent information on fire-resistant building materials, landscaping techniques, evacuation procedures, etc. We know you will find these links very useful.








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