
Program at a Glance
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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

CFDA Number: 84.925
Program Type: Noncompetitive grants
Also Known As: Advanced Credentialing, formerly the Eisenhower Federal Program


This program supports activities to encourage and support teachers seeking advanced certification or advanced credentialing through high quality professional teacher enhancement programs designed to improve teaching and learning.


The program provides grants to develop teacher standards that include measures tied to increased student academic achievement and grants to promote outreach, teacher recruitment, and teacher subsidy or teacher support programs—related to teacher certification or credentialing by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the National Council on Teacher Quality, or other nationally recognized certification or credentialing organizations.

Additional Information

The Advanced Certification or Advanced Credentialing program authorizes competitive grants to State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) working with an LEA or SEA, the National Council on Teacher Quality working with an LEA or SEA, or another certification or credentialing organization working with an LEA or SEA. This program supports activities to encourage and support teachers seeking advanced certification or advanced credentialing.

In fiscal year 2002, Congress provided $10 million to support the third year of a 5-year grant to the NBPTS, awarded in fiscal year 2000 under the antecedent Eisenhower Federal Activities program. The Board has developed certification standards and assessments in 24 academic fields that enable veteran teachers to undergo a rigorous, voluntary assessment process to be certified as teachers meeting standards of national excellence.

With the initial work in developing the standards and assessments complete, the NBPTS is now focusing on meeting the demand for National Board certification. Funds support intensive outreach, communications, candidate support, and professional development programs to encourage teachers to undergo the advanced certification process. In 2002, the NBPTS entered into partnerships with SEAs and LEAs and other education organizations in an effort to increase the number of minority teachers seeking advanced certification. Federal funds also provide financial support to States for teachers who are applying for certification.

Last Modified: 08/29/2008