Native Hawaiian Education

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 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Applicant Information

Call for Reviewers
The peer review is tentatively scheduled for the spring of 2009

Applicants for the Native Hawaiian Education program competition must use the new government-wide website, (, to apply.

Register Early: registration may take five or more days to complete. You must be fully registered to submit an application. Please follow the detailed Step-by-Step instructions on the Get Started page (

Submit Early: Do not wait until the last day to submit your application! To submit successfully, you must enter the DUNS number in the application that your organization used when it registered with the CCR.

For more information to help you with, please see the brochure titled, " is as Easy as 1, 2, 3."

You will want to ensure your application is submitted (i.e. has a date/time stamp from before 4:30 pm on the deadline date) AND that the application is processed and validated successfully. processing times may vary, so you need to allow at least 3 days for any unanticipated problems with your submission. If rejects your application, you will need to resubmit before the deadline date and time.


Application deadline: TBA

Federal Register Notices

Current Application

Download the application package now:

Seeking Peer Reviewers

The Native Hawaiian Education program will be seeking qualified applicants to serve as peer reviewers for the anticipated FY 2009 grant competition. Applicants should be highly qualified in areas pertinent to the program and have a background in one or more of the following areas:

  • Native Hawaiian Language and Culture
  • Multi-cultural/Culturally Responsive Education
  • Indian Education
  • Postsecondary Education
  • Elementary and/or Secondary Education
  • Special Education
  • The needs of at-risk children and youth
  • Early Childhood Education

The peer review is tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2009 location is to be determined. Interested applicants should contact the program office and submit a current resume that includes:

  • Full Name
  • Education (Please list all college degrees, including dates of degrees, institution, and major)
  • All professional position titles, descriptions, and dates in chronological order beginning with, or going back to, your first position after receiving your B.A. or B.S.
  • A detailed description of your current organizational affiliation, and position title.
  • Telephone numbers (work, home, or mobile)
  • Home and work mailing addresses
  • Preferred E-mail address

Resumes can be submitted by e-mail in word format to Joanne or via fax at 202-260-8969. Please include "2009 NHEP Reviewer" in the subject line.

The Department of Education uses a panel of experts to evaluate each application submitted under this program. Each panel consists of three experts and includes persons who are not employees of the federal government. However, a reviewer cannot participate in the review process if a conflict of interest exists because:

  1. The reviewer has agreed to serve as an employee or consultant on a project for which funding is being sought in an application under review, or has been offered the opportunity to do so and has not yet accepted or declined, based on whether a grant is awarded;
  2. The reviewer's personal financial interests will be affected by the outcome of the competition;
  3. The reviewer helped prepare an application in the competition, even if the reviewer has no financial interest in the outcome of that application; or
  4. The reviewer has a relationship with an entity or individual that has a financial interest in the outcome of the competition.

For further questions or information, please contact Joanne Osborne at (202) 401-1265. Thank you for your interest in the Native Hawaiian Education Program.

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Last Modified: 01/13/2009

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