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Variances by Section

Variances by: Section |  Cruise Ships
Click on Section Number hyperlink to view a list of Cruise Ships with the variances.
Operational Manual Section: POTABLE WATER : Where available, ensure that the vessel has a copy of the most recent microbiologic report from each port before bunkering potable water to verify that the water meets potable standards. : Ensure that potable water tanks do not share a common wall with the hull of the vessel or with tanks containing non-potable water or other liquids. : Ensure that at least one backup halogen pump is available with automatic switchover to maintain the free residual halogen in the event that the primary pump fails. : Ensure that a minimum of four potable water samples per month are collected and analyzed for the presence of Escherichia coli and are collected randomly from locations forward, aft, upper, and lower decks of the vessel. : The vessel shall provide a comprehensive cross- connection control program that provides safe connections to the potable water system through air gaps or appropriate backflow devices at the following locations, if present: (1) Potable water supply lines to swimming pools, whirlpool spas, hot tubs, bathtubs, showers, and similar facilities; (2) Photographic laboratory developing machines and utility sinks; (3) Beauty and barber shop spray-rinse hoses; (4) Potable water faucets where hoses are connected or can be connected by threaded or quick-connect outlets such as those serving tanks containing chlorine and other chemicals, and deck taps; (5) Garbage grinders and pulpers; (6) Mechanical warewashing machines; (7) Hospital and laundry equipment; (8) Air conditioning expansion tanks; (9) Boiler feed water tanks; (10) Fire systems; (11) Toilets; (12) Potable water, bilge, and sanitary pumps that require priming; (13) Freshwater or saltwater ballast systems; (14) Bilge or other waste water locations; (15) International shore connection; and (16) Any other connection between potable and non-potable water systems.

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