USDA Forest Service

Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests

Find a Forest (NF)
or Grassland (NG)

Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests
2250 Highway 50
Delta, CO 81416
(970) 874-6600

Telephone for the
Hearing Impaired
(970) 874-6660

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Forest Plan Revision

Final Forest Plan Revision

Once the final Forest Plan document is signed, it will be displayed here. The Forest Plan will also be available on CD.

The Forest Plan includes the following documents:

Comprehensive Evaluation Report (CER ) provides a summary of information on current resource conditions, trends, management implications, and recommendations for maintaining or achieving desired conditions. The CER distills information contained in the comprehensive assessments and discusses how and why the land management guidance in the 1983 Forest Plan needs to change.

Comprehensive Assessments are detailed, data-rich analyses of current conditions and trends for the social, economic, and ecological components affected by management of the GMUG. However, the minerals and geology pieces are being posted for reference to current issues. The Comprehensive Assessments of conditions and trends includes volumes on terrestrial resources, watershed and aquatic resources, geologic and mineral resources and human uses of the forest.

Documentation of Public Involvement

The Forest Plan including Applicable Maps

Plan Approval Documents

Applicable NEPA Documents

Monitoring Program for the Plan Area

Environmental Management System (EMS) Documents

USDA Forest Service - Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests
Last Modified:  Thursday, 15 March 2007 at 14:14:30 EDT
For Visitor Information, please contact GMUG Visitor Information
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