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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2008Adobe Acrobat Reader
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MyMedicationList: Integrating Personal Medication Records with Resources
Nelson SJ, Zeng K, Bodenreider O
AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2008:1228
A record of current medications as well as prior medication history is useful information to an individual. MyMedicationList is a prototype application developed at the National Library of Medicine that helps users manage their medication lists and make the records readily available when needed. This personal medication list can be printed out and serve as a reminder to the individual for taking medications, or as reference information to support continuity of care at doctors offices or hospitals. We present functionalities and features of MyMedicationList: adding, deleting, updating entries from the list; creating, saving, viewing the list; and storing the list in a standard format. In particular, we demonstrate the integration of personal medication records with a variety of resources. MyMedicationList is currently being tested with user groups. An early version of MyMedicationList is publicly available at