USDA Forest Service

El Yunque National Forest


El Yunque National Forest
HC-01, Box 13490
Rio Grande, PR 00745-9625

(787) 888-1880

The forest is open daily from 7:30 AM until 6:00 PM

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Poisonous Plants, Shrubs and Trees Found on the El Yunque National Forest

Drawing of the Palo Bronco, Malpighia fucata

Drawing © J. Corwin-Classic Nature Prints.

Palo Bronco, Olaga (Sp.), Malpighia fucata, (Bot.), native; eastern Puerto Rico.


This evergreen shrub (or small tree) can grow to 20 feet (6 meters) in height, with a trunk diameter of 3 inches (7.6 centimeters). It is identified by it’s opposite, blunt-pointed leaves up to 8 inches (20 centimeters) long and 4 inches (10 centimeters) wide. Upper leaf surfaces are green and lower surfaces are a paler green with many yellowish, needle-like hairs. Flowers with white/pink petals and thin-fleshed fruit with large stone; flowers and fruits intermittently throughout the year. 

Poisonous characteristics:

Contact with needle-like, stinging hairs on the lower surface of leaves of this plant can cause SEVERE SKIN IRRITATION AND MILD SKIN RASH (DERMATITIS). DO NOT EAT THE LEAVES OF THIS PLANT.

When observing this plant:

If possible, avoid contact with the lower surface of it’s leaves. Do not eat it’s leaves or bring them in contact with your eyes. If you inadvertently touch the leaves of this plant wash your hands thoroughly before touching your mouth, eyes or the area surrounding them.

Where is this plant found in the El Yunque NF?

Uncommon in Puerto Rico’s northeastern Luquillo forest (El Yunque National Forest) to approximately 1800 foot elevation.

Additional information:
  • Tropical Vegetation Specialist
    USDA Forest Service
    El Yunque National Forest
    HC-01, Box 13490
    Rio Grande, PR 00745-9625
    787 888 1810
  • Wadsworth, F.H. & Little, E.L., 1974, Common Trees of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, Volume 2, U. S Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook NO. 449. Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.

(Data compiled by Alan Mowbray, El Yunque NF; please send any suggestions/comments to:

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USDA Forest Service - El Yunque National Forest
Last Modified: Tuesday, 16 December 2008 at 14:14:01 EST

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