USDA Forest Service

El Yunque National Forest


El Yunque National Forest
HC-01, Box 13490
Rio Grande, PR 00745-9625

(787) 888-1880

The forest is open daily from 7:30 AM until 6:00 PM

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Poisonous Plants, Shrubs and Trees Found on the El Yunque National Forest

Drawing of the Cabbage  angelin, Moca Blanca, Andira inermis

Drawing © Witsberger International-Fact Net.

Cabbage angelin,artridge wood (Eng.), Moca blanca (PR.), Andira inermis (Bot.), native, West Indies.


A medium-sized deciduous tree reaching 50 feet (15 meters) in height, with a trunk diameter of 12 inches (30 centimeters). It can be easily identified when in flower by its beautiful masses of pink to purple, pea-shaped flowers. It has a light-green, rough bark that has an unpleasant odor similar to boiled cabbage when cut. It has shiny green, elliptical leaves and egg-shaped pods (drupes) each containing a single poisonous seed. 

Poisonous characteristics:

Bark and seed yield the mildly poisonous alkaloids berberine and angilin. DO NOT EAT BARK OR SEEDS as they may cause intense stomach pain and cramping.

When observing this plant:

Avoid eating bark or seeds from pods. If accidentally eaten, induce vomiting and obtain medical assistance promptly.

Where is this plant found in the El Yunque NF?

Common in both lower Luquillo forest (El Yunque NF) to 1000 feet (304 meters) in elevation.

Additional information:
  • Tropical Vegetation Specialist
    USDA Forest Service
    El Yunque National Forest
    HC-01, Box 13490
    Rio Grande, PR 00745-9625
    787 888 1810
  • Wadsworth, F.H. & Little, E.L., 1974, Common Trees of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, Volume 2, U. S Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook NO. 449. Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.

(Data compiled by Alan Mowbray, El Yunque NF; please send any suggestions/comments to:


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USDA Forest Service - El Yunque National Forest
Last Modified: Tuesday, 16 December 2008 at 14:13:55 EST

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