USDA Forest Service

El Yunque National Forest


El Yunque National Forest
HC-01, Box 13490
Rio Grande, PR 00745-9625

(787) 888-1880

The forest is open daily from 7:30 AM until 6:00 PM

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Wildlife Facts 2002-2009 - Comprehensive List by Type/Year in Alphabetical Order

  • Mammals (13)

Bats (02)
Black Rat (03)
Brazilian Free-tailed Bat (07)
Brown Flower Bat (06)
Feral Cat (08)
Feral Dog (06)
Greater Antillean Long-tongued Bat (04)
House Mouse (08)
Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat (05)
Norway Rat (05)
Red Fig-eating Bat (04)
Small Indian Mongoose (02)
Velvety Free-tailed Bat (07)

  • Birds (27)

American Redstart (08)
Antillean Euphonia (08)
Bananaquit (07)
Black Swift (03)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (08)
Black-whiskered Vireo (07)
Broad-winged Hawk (04)
Elfin Woods Warbler (02)
Gray Kingbird (04)
Green Mango (05)
Pearly-eyed Thrasher (05)
Puerto Rican Bullfinch (03)
Puerto Rican Emerald (05)
Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo (02)
Puerto Rican Parrot (04)
Puerto Rican Screech-Owl (03)
Puerto Rican Tanager (08)
Puerto Rican Tody (02)
Puerto Rican Woodpecker (05)
Red-legged Thrush (06)
Red-tailed Hawk (05)
Ruddy Quail-Dove (07)
Scaly-naped Pigeon (07)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (06)
Spotted Sandpiper (03)
Stripe-headed Tanager (08)
Zenaida Dove (06)

• Reptiles (12)

Barred Anole (07)
Common Blind Snake (03)
Common Dwarf Gecko (06)
Emerald Anole (04)
Giant Anole (02)
Puerto Rican Boa (02)
Puerto Rican Racer (07)
Puerto Rico Upland Gecko (03)
Pygmy Anole (07)
Sharp-mouthed Lizard (06)
Upland Grass Anole (05)
Yellow-chinned Anole (05)

  • Amphibians (15)

Antillean Coqui (07)
Common Coqui (08)
Cricket Coqui (05)
Dwarf Coqui (06)
Forest Coqui (05)
Giant Toad (06)
Grass Coqui (07)
Hedrick’s Coqui (02)
Locust Coqui (08)
North American Bull Frog (03)
Richmond's Coqui (09)
Web-footed Coqui (07)
Whistling Coqui (04)
White-lipped Frog (03)
Wrinkled Coqui (04)

  • Fish (6)

American Eel (02)
Big-mouth Sleeper (04)
Mountain Mullet (03)
Sirajo Goby (04)
Spinycheek Sleeper (08)
Yellow River Goby (08)

  • Land Invertebrates (9)

Flannel Moth (03)
Flower Fly (05)
Ground Beetle (04)
Puerto Rican Tarantula (06)
Sawfly (04)
Theotima minutissimus (08)
Velvet Worm (02)
Walking Stick (02)
Whip-scorpion (06)

  • Aquatic Invertebrates (3)

Big-clawed Shrimp (03)
Freshwater Crab (02)
Yellow-nosed Shrimp (06)



USDA Forest Service - El Yunque National Forest
Last Modified: Monday, 22 December 2008 at 11:23:04 EST

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