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How to assure your ideas will be read by Pres. Obama

After reading many, many ideas, suggestions and views of others and then writing some of my own, it occurred to me what was printed at the top of the CITIZEN’S BRIEFING BOOK Internet page: “The best rated ideas will rise to the top -- and be gathered into a Citizen's Briefing Book to be delivered to President Obama after he is sworn in.”

So, one way to assure your ideas or suggestions will reach President Obama is to read the most POPULAR IDEAS and find one that is most like what you want to express and “VOTE UP” on it…


This is how: When you click on the “start voting now” icon, the next screen will start with the most recent ideas submitted. In small black letters, under “SHARE YOUR IDEA” in the light blue box… you can find and click on “POPULAR IDEAS”. This will take you to the most voted on… If you can find your idea or an idea that is really close to the way you are thinking, you can “VOTE UP” and it will get to Pres. Obama…


I am afraid that there are so many of us expressing ourselves that no one will probably read all the  submitted ones… Which will probably be mine and/or yours… And therefore, probably not get voted on…that much… so they will not rise to the top….


Even if you do this, of course, you can still submit your ideas etc… It made me feel better just getting it off my chest…


All, do Take Care and May Your God Bless America!!!


1/13/2009 8:55 AM
There is a flaw in this system as I see it. I recall on the questions that the ones that were entered in the first day we always popular because they were visible. I agree this is a way to do it but, then very important questions, ideas or suggestions get left behind.

On way to help counter this, is to make the default sort be the newest post and a sort option for least voted on. Also a way to tell if a person reviewing and voting has come full circle and see all posts etc..

Thanks, I still voted up, it's a good suggestion!
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