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Reducing the Military Budget

The United States has by far the largest military budget in the world, and the most powerful resources and technology.  We spend more on our military than every other nation in the world combined.  Frankly, in the modern world where good intelligence is worth more than a tank, we need to reform the way our military is funded.  

By cutting the military budget by a mere 2-3 percent per year we could save billions of dollars, while sacrificing very little.  We could downsize outposts in places like Germany, or perhaps build smaller tanks.  Maybe we could reconsider building enormous nuclear-powered battleships when we don't really need them.  

I know that we are in a war, and the decision to cut military spending is a hard one for the right wing to swallow, but we could use this money to pay down our exploding national debt.  That is also a matter of national security.  We could use the money to increase humanitarian aid, another factor that keeps us safe by promoting a positive image of America to the world.  If not now, then after most trooops leave Iraq, the Administration should consider spending military money more wisely.
3 Comments  »  Posted by HillaryR to Economy, Foreign Policy on 1/12/2009 8:58 PM


1/12/2009 9:11 PM
Stop policing the world for free.  Bring troops home from everywhere there isn't a hot war.
I mean all of europe, Japan, Korea, etc.  We have bases in over 130 countires.  Thats an Empire, not a Republic!  Lets be good examples, not occupiers.  Lets save ourselves from being drained financially by the very clever marketing of the military-industrial complex.
In just one year, the Pentagon could not account for over a trillion dollars.
And change the name to "Spent and Gone"
1/12/2009 9:27 PM

Fully agreed!   

Let's foreign military bases closed.  Our allies are perfectly capable of defending themselves.   If they are not, they should make themselves more capable.  We should provide troops only in case if an ally makes the utmost effort, and is still at risk of being overrun.

Some do not like the idea of closing foreing bases, as they feel it will make America weaker.  In fact, just the opposite!  Our alliances will be stronger, as our allies will not be taking us for granted.  We will reduce adversarial relationships with many countries, if we put ourselves into a less adversarial stance towards their actions, even if we disapprove of them.  For instance, allow Europe to be the primary player in dealing with Russia's expansion efforts.  Let India and Japan counterbalance China.  We do not have to burden our shoulders with every potential international conflict.

I have a blog dedicated to this subject, all are welcome to come, read, and post comments:

Snoop Dog
1/12/2009 11:19 PM
obviously the US is not trying to win any wars, they only want to sustain a military base over there.
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