(October 19, 2006)

The Commission acted on the following items at the October 19, 2006 Commission Meeting:

Item # Docket # Company
E-1 RM06-16-000 Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Bulk-Power System
E-2 RM06-10-000 New PURPA Section 210(m) Regulations Applicable to Small Power Production and Cogeneration Facilities
E-3 RR06-3-000 North American Electric Reliability Council
E-4 EL07-1-000 California Independent System Operator Corp.
  EL07-2-000 ISO New England Inc.
  EL07-4-000 Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator
  EL07-5-000 New York Independent System Operator, Inc.
  EL07-3-000 PJM Interconnection L.L.C.
  EL07-6-000 Southwest Power Pool, Inc.
E-5 ER06-94-001 ISO New England Inc.
E-6 PL06-4-001 Informal Staff Advice on Regulatory Requirements
E-7 EC06-125-000 National Grid plc and KeySpan Corporation
  EL06-85-000 National Grid plc and Key-Span Corporation
E-8 EC06-127-000 NorthWestern Corporation, NorthWestern Energy Marketing, LLC, The Clark Fork and Blackfoot, LLC, Babcock & Brown Infrastructure Limited, BBI US Holdings Pty Ltd., BBI US Holdings II Corp., BBI Glacier Corp.
E-9 ER06-1384-000 Entergy-Koch Trading, LP
  ER01-2781-004 Entergy Koch Trading, LP
E-10 ER06-1464-000 ISO New England Inc.New England Power Pool Participants Committee
E-11 ER06-1443-000 FirstEnergy Service Company, Pennsylvania Power Company, Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, The Toledo Electric Company
E-12 EC06-126-000 Boston Edison Company, Cambridge Electric Light Company, Commonwealth Electric Company, Canal Electric Company
E-13 EC06-144-000 Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, EBG Holdings, LLC, Boston Generating, LLC, Mystic I, LLC, Mystic Development, LLC, and Fore River Development, LLC
E-14 EC06-147-000 Entegra Power Group LLC, Gila River Power, L.P., Union Power Partners, L.P., Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc., and Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc.
E-15 EC06-154-000 Northeast Generation Company, Holyoke Water Power Company, NU Enterprises, Inc., Select Energy, Inc., NE Energy, Inc., Mt. Tom Generating Company LLC, and ECP Energy, LLC
E-16 ER06-1094-010 Alcoa Power Generating Inc. (Long Sault Division)
E-17 ER03-647-008 New York Independent System Operator, Inc.
E-18 ER06-729-001 Southwest Power Pool, Inc.
E-20 EL06-75-000 Alcoa Inc.
E-21 EL06-89-000 Californians for Renewable Energy, Inc. v. California Independent System Operator Corp.
E-22 TS06-11-000 Wabash Valley Power Association
E-23 TS06-13-000 American Transmission Company LLC
E-24 EL05-15-001 Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation v. Entergy Arkansas, Inc.
E-25 ER04-928-002 Public Utilities With Existing Contracts in the California Independent System Operator Corporation Region
  ER02-1656-028 California Independent System Operator Corporation
E-26 ER06-451-005 Southwest Power Pool, Inc.
E-27 RM04-12-002 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Public Utilities Including RTOs
E-28 ER02-2189-002 Southern California Edison Company
M-1 RM06-11-000 Financial Accounting, Reporting and Records Retention Requirements Under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005
M-2 RM06-25-000 Electronic Filing of FERC Form No. 60
M-3 RM96-1-027 Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines
  RM05-5-001 Standards for Business Practices and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities
G-1 RP04-274-000 Kern River Gas Transmission Company
H-2 P-382-034 Southern California Edison Company
H-3 P-20-072 PacifiCorp
H-4 P-2030-048 Portland General Electric Company and Confederate Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon
H-5 P-12462-009 Indian River Power Supply, LLC
H-6 P-5018-011 Wellesley Rosewood Maynard Mills, LLC
C-1 RM06-7-000 Revisions to the Blanket Certificate Regulations and Clarification Regarding Rates
C-2 RM06-1-000 Regulations Implementing the Energy Policy Act of 2005: Coordinating the Processing of Federal Authorizations for Applications under Section 3 and 7 of the Natural Gas Act and Maintaining a Complete Consolidated Record

Magalie R. Salas

Updated: October 26, 2006, 2:40:38 PM EST