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A Change in US Policy Toward Israel and Palestine

I would like to see a dramatic change in US policy toward Israel regarding her occupation of Palestine, as well as our refusal to acknowledge the plight of the Palestinian people. 


Israel's defiance of 69 UN Security Council resolutions concerning Palestine and the continual expansion of illegal settlements is at the core of the conflict as it stands. Moreover, the Palestinian people are living in a virtual concentration camp and we, as a nation, have a humanitarian crises of epic proportions on our hands.


The last two Presidents were ineffectual in solving this crisis. What will you do differently? Will you allow lobbyists such as AIPAC to dictate US policy in the region? Is this what is best for America? Also, is it really necessary for millions of US taxpayer dollars and weapons to be sent to Israel each year? This is a policy that I think you will find most unpopular in the coming years. 


Please make a clean break for the policies of the past. The world is waiting.


5 Comments  »  Posted by Alex01 to Foreign Policy on 1/12/2009 12:02 PM


1/12/2009 9:49 PM
America is waiting for new thinking here.  The majority want a total about face.  What could be going on?
Thanks for a voice-  it is not always easy to talk about ,as some people call names [and worse] if you can see the other side.
     Amore balanced aproach- that is all we want.
Sandy Hausler
1/13/2009 5:32 AM
 The majority of Americans want an about-face on America's support of Israel?  It must be really great when you can make up your statistics.
1/13/2009 6:12 AM
I could not agree more!
1/13/2009 10:24 AM
The Palestinians are not living in a prison camp.  Let's stop with the hysterics. 

The U.S. has a duty to support action against terrorism against sovereign nations.  We have an interest in stopping anti-Israeli terrorism because we can see that anti-Israel sentiment is also anti-US sentiment.   The Palestinians want an Islamic government, they do not care about peace of living peacefully with people of other faiths.  Their agenda is not to live in peace with people that they consider "infidels".

The Palestinians were not happy when they were given Gaza because they were not also given the rights to freely ship weapons from Iran into the area.  They would not be satisfied if given the land of Israel because their agenda would just change to annihilating the Jewish people that reside in the area. 

Peace-loving Palestinians (if there is such a thing) need to learn how to work the system legally and become citizens and live in peace within Israel.  Yes, it IS possible to petition the government without violence, without rockets.  There are many non-Jewish people that are citizens of Israel that serve in the Israel Defense Force and do not feel the need to overthrow the Israeli government.
1/13/2009 10:18 PM
The new thinking is this:  No more funding without accountability.
Palestinian leaders have been building rockets instead of roads, schools and hospitals.
The Palestinian people need to be free from Hamas, and let the future begin.
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