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IHS Head Start Logo Indian Health Service Head Start Program

801 Vassar Dr., NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Phone: (505) 248-7694
Fax: (505) 248-7728

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Home Head Start Providers Head Start Families
Nationwide Programs and Initiatives
Focus Areas: Diabetes Obesity: Breastfeeding
  A Strong tradition since the beginning of time

Benefits for the Baby:

  • Mother's milk protects babies from ear infections, diarrhea, colds, and flu.
  • Mother's milk may protect babies from obesity and so reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Mother's milk is easily digested.
  • Mother's milk is the perfect food for premature babies.

Benefits for Mom:

  • Breastfeeding is convenient.
  • Breastfeeding shrinks the uterus and helps stops bleeding after birth.
  • Breastfeeding means less risk of breast and ovarian cancers for moms.
  • Moms may return to their pre-pregnancy weight quicker.
  • Breastfeeding helps a mother and her baby bond.

Benefits for the Community:

  • Breastfeeding saves valuable, natural resources and keeps our environment clean.
  • Breastfeeding means fewer health care dollars will be spent on illness.
  • Breastfeeding will reduce time lost from work and school because of sickness.
  • Breastfeeding honors our values, heritage, and traditions.

Benefits for the Future:

  • Breastfeeding may mean fewer weight problems and less diabetes for the next generation.
  • Breastfeeding means stronger and wiser leaders for the challenges of the future.
  • Breastfeeding is a message of hope for our tomorrows.
Photo of a child breastfeeding