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Management Concepts

    Natural resources management activities shall be accomplished through the use of one or more of the following management concepts:

    Natural resources management through a stewardship concept ensures the conservation, preservation, or protection of those resources for present and future generations. Stewardship focuses on sustaining ecosystems. Stewardship shall be applied in a biological community context, thereby providing protection for the existing species populations, communities, habitat types, and ecosystems.

    Mitigation measures authorized by Congressional legislation or approved by Headquarters compensate for ecological resources unavoidably and adversely affected by a Corps project. Mitigation includes stand-alone projects; work undertaken concurrently with project construction; and operation, maintenance, and management of mitigation measures. The species, habitat, and/or measures identified as mitigation are contained in feasibility reports and design memoranda submitted as supporting documentation for the project authorization and in other supporting documents such as special reports to Congress. Mitigation measures that are cost-shared with a local sponsor shall have the appropriate ratio of shared costs identified in the above reports and documents.

    Enhancement measures/activities are those measures/activities taken above a stewardship level (i.e. level required to sustain fish and wildlife resources for the life of the project and those measures/activities that produce an increase or concentration of animal numbers for the purpose of recreational benefits). Enhancement measures/activities are subject to cost-sharing or total funding by others in accordance with administrative guidance provided by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works.

    • Public Law 89-72


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Updated: September 13, 2004