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AUG 23 1995

To: Active Schools and Active Lenders Participating in the Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL) Program

Subject: HEAL Student Application (HRSA Form 700)
School Policy Memorandum S-95-16
Lender Policy Memorandum L-95-18

We recently learned that the telephone number referenced in the instructions for item #9 of the HEAL Student Application has changed and is therefore incorrect. The current correct telephone number is (708) 688-6888. However, the area code for this telephone number will change on January 20, 1996, with a dialing grace period extending to April 20, 1996. Effective January 20, 1996, the new area code and telephone number will be (847) 688-6888.

The HEAL Branch does not intend to re-print new HEAL applications with the correct telephone number at this time. We ask that all schools/lenders using stock HEAL applications and the lenders that print their own applications, please include a note with the application citing the new area code and telephone number. If lenders are in the process of printing a new supply of applications, please be sure to correct the telephone number on your camera-ready copy before printing.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ms. Terri Ehrenfeld of the HEAL Branch at (301) 443-1540. Thank you.

Stephen J. Boehlert
Chief, HEAL Branch
Division of Student Assistance


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