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More Stimulus Focus on Green Jobs

Green jobs was the promise and green jobs rather than old style support jobs for the oil-based system of highways etc. should be the funding focus of economic stimulus right now.
17 Comments  »  Posted by Dr.J to Economy, Energy and Environment on 1/12/2009 10:56 AM


1/12/2009 11:09 AM
A GREEN JOB is refilling and recycling toner cartridges.  It is Simple and FAST to start.
1/12/2009 11:40 AM
Like increasing the MPG for autos, we need to grit our teeth and use this crisis as an opportunity to really prime the green industries effort and then use our marvelous media to publicize what is working and promising (as well as what isn't working and needs to be abandoned - ethanol??) in order to offset the entrenched CO2 interests who will create endless comedies about the effort.  Again the addiction paradigm suggests that people will die before they change their minds - denial is definitely not a river in egypt. Earth Day planted the seed. Let's nurture the generation which now is in a position to put it into effect to preserve and help this earth our island home flourish......
1/12/2009 11:49 AM
Where is Van Jones? He ought to be in the Cabinet!
1/12/2009 1:33 PM
In normal times your priority would be fine, but these are not normal times. Do whatever will get the economy up the quickest, then worry about what is green.
1/12/2009 2:50 PM
    The Architecture2030  "2030 Challenge Stimulus Plan" does both.  It is basically a direct investment in residential and commercial structure energy conservation infrastrcture.  In their proposal the funding would be accomplished by mortgage interest rate reductions subsidized by the Federal government nad the rate of reduction would be directly tied to the degree of enrgy efficiency improvement.  An earlier draft, which I would prefer to see implemented called for direct low interest loans with the rate again being tied to the degree of energy efficiency improvement.  The return on the invesment if  you look at Architecture2030 figures are quite impressive, particularly when you consider that around 40% of our enery cunsumption is tied to buildings in this country.
      This proposal would put people to work immediately using skills and technology already available, increases real housing value, as opposed to speculative value, create demand for new technologies, and significantly reduce energy demand.
      It is vital that any stimulus package recognizes and includes some version of these provisions.

1/12/2009 5:37 PM
"If not now, when? If not us, who?"

Break the vicious cycle caused by oil on global economic stability and the environment. Bring us into a new green era that demonstrates America's ability to lead in the world. Help create a new sustainable model for the newly emerged super economies of China and India to follow!
1/12/2009 6:05 PM

Your program will not work. It ignores the elephant in the room, the Federal Reserve. Also, feeding One Trillion Dollars to a bunch of fat tick construction and remodeling companies is insane! It's nothing more than trickledown job creation. What guarantee do WeThePeople have those new jobs will be created, instead of raises being given to “favored” employees. At least start with One Half Trillion to WeThePeople, and the other half for infrastructure! Unless a radical change is made, Mr. President, beginning with the re-organization of the Federal Reserve, you will become the first American President to preside over the Greatest of All Depressions. I hope this helps.

Further, Mr. President, our economic system is based on two main principals. The first is that consumer spending is two-thirds of the economy. The second is that every dollar spent at retail is spent seven times in a year. The current plan is to send 90% of the money to non-consumers. Any plan that does not target consumers is doomed to failure.

It makes no sense to offer help to fat tick construction companies when consumers are not spending and banks are not lending. Is it too much to ask that the American Family get something directly to help their “crumbling economic structure” when consumers are not spending, and banks are not lending?  You are not FDR despite the Time Magazine Article. Quit listening to FDR experts. We’re at a New Gate!

1/12/2009 6:22 PM
I agree:   "If not now, when? If not us, who?"

It is time we live the world we want to see. You go President Obama - with all your heart towards the best that you, the US and the world can be. Because we absoluetly can and will.
1/12/2009 8:03 PM
I would like to warn against government choosing jobs based solely on their color. That is not a good way to achieve greater environmental quality efficiently. Environmental quality, yes, but not by shooting ourselves in the foot.
1/12/2009 10:20 PM

I strongly encourage everyone who votes up this idea to vote up the idea MEXICAN DRUG WAR is AMERICAN DRUG WAR: Revamp the Controlled Substance Act for Border Security

Here's where you can find it:

To be politically expedient, we should not be asking Obama to "legalize marijuana." We should ask him to revamp the Controlled Substance Act, descheduling marijuana so that it may eventually be feasible to make legalized.

Since it is a new idea and needing a BOOST, please vote this up and encourage all your friends to do so as well!

1/13/2009 7:36 AM

A free on-line university, which at the average cost of 40 to80 million, could will cut into the 850 billion we spend each year for traditional schooling and save up to 100,000 in student loans for American families. As well as giving everyone access to a future, this will give the working poor in this country a fighting chance in the new global economy.

This will also be a green solution as these students do not need to be on the road every day in addition to their work commutes.

See my Post:

Eleanor H
1/13/2009 7:56 AM
 I agree with Locavore's comments about making homes and businesses more energy efficient (insullation, new windows, etc.).

If this work were financed by low interest loans, the loans could be repaid with the savings in energy. The cost to the government would be minimal.  

This proposal would both help the environment and also create jobs for unemployed construction workers. 
Proud KY Citizen
1/13/2009 9:36 AM

Asphalt Rubber Pavement

Mr. President Elect,

I am a engineering student graduating in May and have no affiliation to any company, so my motives are true.  I have a great idea that has multiple benifits and no drawbacks.  You will make everyone happy with this suggestion and although you may need a more professional estimate than what I give here, according to my research we will save money initially and over time.

Since we are investing large amounts in new highway infastructure, please consider allocating enough funds in your plan to be invested in asphalt-rubber road surfaces.  The technology was invented years ago to recycle used tires (an environmental nightmare) and integrate them into our road surfaces.  To explain briefly, the same technology has been refined by the Arizona Department of Transportation after years of research and now has begun succesfully incorporating it into their highway systems. The ADOT claims that although the initial cost of producing the asphalt-rubber mix is twice the amount of regular asphalt, only half the amount needs to be used in construction.  This by itself barely manages us to break even monitarily, but recycling a good amount of tires is not the only bird we hit with this stone.

You absolutely need to see the test videos and data to understand the magnatude of the differences, but i'll explain it here anyway.  The road surfaces can last two to four times longer! drastically decreasing the need for road maintanance and congesting construction zones.  Also safety is increased during inclement weather by drastically decreasing road spray from the vehicle ahead of you (google arizona dot reduced road spray video).  Lastly, the irritating road noise that drives down nearby home values is reduced so much it is almost unbelieveable (video also available).

I am not a professional engineer yet, but from the lengthy study I did on this subject and the facination I have with politics and current events, this is a no brainer.  It seems only natural that every American will love this idea, and once they get to use them, love their new safe, quiet, efficient, economically and environmentally friendly highways.

Thank you for listening, and good luck with your new job, we're all counting on you!

C. Hall

A Siegel
1/13/2009 10:59 AM
Please note the Architecture 2030 plan, which has a significant green jobs element.  It is a way to massively and efficiently stimulate the economy while also taking a meaningful bite out of America's pollution load.
1/13/2009 11:21 AM
Supporting the "green" economy (with jobs, loans and training in industries like wind, solar and biomass power plants, recycling collection, biodegradable product development, composting businesses, etc.) will also give a big boost to RURAL AREAS and ENVIRON MENTAL PRESERVATION because these types of distributed power generation are ideal for more remote areas where it's more expensive and technically difficult to link people to the regular power grid. And it'll give people a profitable alternative to atrocities like mountain removal mining, gas drilling, and clear cutting of forests.
1/13/2009 1:43 PM

Renewable, Reuse and Resouce Reduction/Management should be our top priority for tax credits and job creation. "Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do or Do without!" ©®

Proud KY Citizen
1/13/2009 5:57 PM

Legalize Marijuana-Treat it like Alcohol

Although, I will say that even though I don’t partake, I do think pot should be legalized…Think of the tax dollars we would get off of it…and all the jobs it would create... Also, what could be more GREEN and I don’t really think pot by itself is any worse than alcohol… I actually believe cigarettes are worse than pot… Only pot that has been laced with something should be illegal.. This would also help eliminate some of the “drug dealers” of pot.. And lessen our crowded prisons.…

The same rules for not drinking on the job would apply to not smoking pot on the job too…. And also, not driving and smoking pot… Same as alcohol….If you are pulled over and proved to have been smoking pot while driving, you would get a "DUI"….I guess it would be still be a “DUI” only the “influence” would be the “smoking pot”…..

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