
NOTE: Some Regional Airports Offices have prepared variations of these forms and instructions for use by airports in their regions. Before completing a form, please check with the appropriate Regional or District Office to determine which form you should use.

Airport Financial Reports
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes

Financial Government Payment Report (Web Form)

Note: This report should be filed through the Airports Financial Reporting Program (CATS) website.

5100-126 For more information, visit the Airport Financial Reporting Program page.

Instructions can be found in AC 150/5100-19, Guide for Airport Financial Reports Filed by Airport Sponsors.

Operating and Financial Summary (Web Form)

Note: This report should be filed through the Airports Financial Reporting Program (CATS) website.

5100-127 For more information, visit the Airport Financial Reporting Program page.

Instructions can be found in AC 150/5100-19, Guide for Airport Financial Reports Filed by Airport Sponsors.

Airport Improvement Program
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Application for Federal Assistance (9/2003) (PDF) SF 424 MS Word Application for Federal Assistance

Instructions with form
Application for Development Projects (Parts II-IV) (PDF) 5100-100   Continuation of SF 424 for application for land, development, and equipment projects

Part II A & C
Part III A - E
Part IV
Application for Planning Projects (Parts II-IV) (PDF) 5100-101   Continuation of SF 424 for application for planning projects only

Part II
Part III A - F
Part IV
Quarterly Performance Report (MS Word)   Form for submitting mandatory quarterly reports. See Par. 1221c of the AIP Handbook (PDF, 1.11 MB).

Airport Master Record Program
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Airport Master Record 5010-1   For existing public-use airports
Airport Master Record 5010-2   For existing private-use airports
Airport Master Record 5010-3   For newly established public-use airports
Airport Master Record 5010-5   For newly established private-use airports

Airspace/Landing Area
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration (5/07) (PDF) 7460-1 E-filing (follow instructions on site) Notifies the FAA of construction or alteration that might affect navigable airspace (49 CFR part 77)
Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration (7/96) 7460-2   Notifies the FAA of construction or alteration that might affect navigable airspace (49 CFR part 77)
Notice of Landing Area Proposal (1/93) (PDF) 7480-1 MS Word Notifies the FAA of any construction, alteration, activation, deactivation, or change to the status or use of a civil or joint-use (civil/military) airport (part 157)

Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Construction Progress and Inspection Report (MS Word, 53 KB) 5370-1   The information collected on this form documents the progress of construction work on a project funded with a Federal grant under the AIP.
Contractor's Payroll Form (4/2006) (PDF)
WH-347   Used by contractors and subcontractors required by Federal or Federally aided construction-type contracts and subcontracts to submit weekly payrolls

Labor Standards Interview Form SF 1445   Supports Davis-Bacon monitoring efforts
Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration (2/99) 7460-1   See Airspace/Landing Area
Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration (7/96) 7460-2   See Airspace/Landing Area
Notice of Landing Area Proposal (1/93) 7480-1   See Airspace/Landing Area

Design / Engineering
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Airport Pavement Design (MS Word, 103 KB) 5100-1   Form used to identify design criteria and desired pavement section; typically attached to the engineer's report
Pavement Strength Survey 5320-1 MS Word (176 KB)  

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Report of DBE Goal Accomplishments (MS Word, 137 KB) DOT 4630    

Enplanement / All-Cargo Data
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
All-Cargo Carrier Activity Report Form 5100-108 MS Word Visit the All-Cargo Reporting page for additional information and sample forms. Instructions included with form.
Airport Activity Survey 1800-31   Visit the Airport Activity Survey page for forms, instructions, additional information, and samples.

Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
There are no environmental forms at this time.

Land Acquisition / Relocation Assistance
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Federal Aid Compliance Review (MS Word) NA   Spot Check
Acquisition/Relocation Records Checklist (MS Word) NA   Checklist Acquisition
Sponsor Pre-Reimbursement Federal-aid Compliance Review (MS Word) NA   Quality Control Review
Decent, Safe and Sanitary Certification (MS Word) NA    
Replacement Housing Payment (RHP) Determination - 90-day Occupant (MS Word) NA   RHP - 90 Day
Replacement Housing Payment (RHP) Determination - 180 Day Owner-Occupant (MS Word) NA   RHP - 180 Day
Certificate of Appraiser (PDF) 5100-111    
Short Form Appraisal (PDF)
Short Form Appraisal Instructions (MS Word)
Instructions/Attachment for Summary Appraisal Reports (Fannie Mae Forms 1004 & 1025) (MS Word) 5100-112 (URAR)    
Value Finding for Low Value Acquisition (PDF) 5100-113    
Appraiser Training and Experience Resume (PDF) 5100-114    
Appraisal Contract Proposal (PDF) 5100-115    
Appraisal Contract (PDF) 5100-116    
Claim for Reimbursement of Expenses (PDF) 5100-119    
Acquisition Procedures and Payment Summary (PDF) 5100-120    
Appraisal Review Contract (PDF) 5100-121    
Agreement for Acquisition & Relocation Services (PDF) 5100-122    
Mortgage Interest Differential (MID) Payment Eligibility Computation (MS Word) 5100-123    
MID Computation - Fixed Morgage (MS Excel) NA    
MID Computation - ARM (MS Excel) NA    
Claim for Relocation Payments - Non-residential (MS Word) 5100-124   Claim Certificate for 5100-124
A. Payment of Moving costs - Non-residential (DOT) 5100-124   Updated Schedule A for 5100-124 (8/2005)
B. Direct Loss of or Purchase of Subsitute Personal Property (DOT) 5100-124   Updated Schedule B for 5100-12 (11/2005) 4
C. Search Expenses (DOT) 5100-124   Updated Schedule C for 5100-124 (2/2005)
D. Reestablishment Expenses (DOT) 5100-124   Updated Schedule D for 5100-124 (11/2005)
E. Related Non-residential Expenses (DOT) 5100-124   New Schedule E for 5100-124 (3/2005)
Claim for Relocation Payments - Residential (MS Word) 5100-125   Claim Certificate for 5100-125
A. Payment of Moving Costs - Residential (MS Word) 5100-125   Schedule A for 5100-125
B. Claim for Homeowners Replacement Housing Payments (MS Word) 5100-125   Schedule B for 5100-125
C. Claim of Rental Replacement Housing Payments (DOT) 5100-125   Updated Schedule C for 5100-125 (2/2005)
D. Down Payment and Incidental Expenses (DOT) 5100-125   Updated Schedule D for 5100-125 (2/2005)

Part 139 Certification
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Application for Certificate Form (PDF, 29 KB) 5280-1 MS Word Visit the New Federal Certification Requirements section for additional information.

Passenger Facility Charge Program
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Passenger Facility Charge Program Application (PDF) 5500-1 Passenger Facility Charge Program Application (DOT) Used by sponsors to identify and submit projects for PFC Program

Form Instructions (PDF)
Attachment B to Form 5500-1 (DOT) 5500-1   Instructions for Form 5500-1 Attachments (PDF)
Attachment G to Form 5500-1 (MS Word) 5500-1  
Attachment H to Form 5500-1 (MS Excel) 5500-1  
Project Physical Closeout and Project Financial Closeout 5500-1   These forms are available in PFC SOAR. Public agencies that do not have access to this system should contact their Regional or ADO PFC representatives.

Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Request for Advance or Reimbursement (7/97) (PDF) SF 270    
Outlay Report and Request for Reimbursement for Construction Projects (7/97) (PDF) SF 271    
Federal Cash Transactions Report (7/97) (PDF) SF 272   Form used by sponsor to identify and submit projects for the AIP and PFC Programs
Federal Cash Transactions Report (continuation sheet) (PDF) SF 272a    

Standard Sponsor Certification Forms (Found in Appendix 25 of the AIP Handbook)
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Selection of Consultants (PDF) 5100-38B MS Word Certification by sponsor attesting to compliance with 49 CFR part 18.36 and Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects (AC 150/5100-14) for to procuring a professional consultant
Project Plans and Specifications (PDF) 5100-38B MS Word Certification by sponsor attesting to compliance with Federal standards as listed in the grant agreement as it relates to preparation of project plans and specifications
Equipment/Construction Contracts (PDF) 5100-38B MS Word Certification by sponsor attesting to compliance with 49 CFR part 18.36 for solicitation and award of contract for construction and equipment projects
Real Property Acquisition (PDF) 5100-38B MS Word Certification by sponsor attesting to compliance with 49 CFR part 24 and the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970
Construction Project Final Acceptance (PDF) 5100-38B MS Word Certification by sponsor attesting to compliance with 49 CFR part 18.50 and approved plans and specifications
Drug-Free Certification (PDF) 5100-38B MS Word Certificaton by sponsor attesting to compliance with 49 CFR part 29 and the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988
All Standard Sponsor Certification Forms (PDF) 5100-38B MS Word  

Surplus Property
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Application for Airport Property (MS Word) NA   Visit the Military Airport Program page for additional information and sample forms.

Wildlife Hazards
Subject/Title Number Other Formats Notes
Bird/Other Wildlife Strike Report (PDF) 5200-7 E-Form Used by pilots, airports, and others to report bird and animal strikes

Updated: 5:25 pm ET August 8, 2008