Library of Congress Holdings of the Stars and
Newspaper of the U.S. Armed Forces
in Europe, the Mediterranean,
and North Africa, 1942-present
compiled by
Mark Sweeney
Serial & Government Publications Division,
Library of Congress
This finding aid lists the Library of Congress holdings of the 23
editions of the Stars and Stripes produced for American soldiers in Europe and
North Africa beginning in 1942 with the London edition, and continuing to the
present. Also included are holdings of the WWI edition (1918-1919) for the
American Expeditionary Forces. Two indexes, a "Location Index" and a "Year
Index," are located at the end of the document.
Entries are arranged in chronological order, including title,
publication dates, notes, variant titles, and holdings by format. Holdings
have been determined by examining microfilm targets and reviewing accession
lists prepared throughout the time period. Time constraints did not permit
examination of individual issues. Researchers are cautioned that scattered
issues may be missing in the time periods listed.
Most microfilm holdings were filmed cooperatively by the Library of
Congress Photoduplication Service and New York Public Library's Photographic
Service Division in 1948. Positive microfilm copies may be ordered from the
Photoduplication Service only for those issues for which the Library of
Congress has negative microfilm listed. Positive microfilm is available from
New York Public Library for the remainder of the issues listed on positive
Much of the bibliographic information listed is drawn from C. E.
Dornbusch's "Stars and Stripes: Check List of the Several Editions", (New
York: New York Public Library) 1948; and, the National Archives and Record
Administration's "The Stars and Stripes: Newspaper of the U.S. Armed Forces in
Europe, the Mediterranean, and North Africa 1942-1964", (Washington, D.C.:
GPO) 1989.
1. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. The official newspaper of the A.E.F.
PUBLISHED: Feb. 8, 1918-June 13, 1919.
NOTES: Printed at the plant of the London Daily Mail's continental
edition, Paris. Weekly, Friday.
HOLDINGS: Feb. 8, 1918-June 13, 1919 positive microfilm # 02246 (1 reel).
Feb. 8, 1918-June 13, 1919 Arno reprint LC call # D501.S712.
2. TITLE: London edition. The Stars and Stripes. Newspaper of the U.S. armed
forces in the European theater of operations.
PUBLISHED: April 18,1942-Oct. 15, 1945.
The Stars and Stripes. Weekly newspaper of the U. S. armed forces
in the British Isles; The Stars and Stripes. Weekly newspaper of
the U. S. armed forces in the European theater of operations; The
Stars and Stripes. Daily newspaper of the U. S. armed forces in
the European theater of operations; London edition. The Stars and
Stripes. Daily newspaper of the U. S. armed forces in the European
theater of operations.
NOTES: "Volume one was the weekly Stars and Stripes of World War I."
Daily, except Sunday.
HOLDINGS: April 18, 1942-Oct. 15, 1945 positive microfilm # 02247 (5 reels).
April 18, 1942-Oct. 15, 1945 original issues LC call # D731.S726
3 TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Mediterranean.
PUBLISHED: Dec. 9, 1942-June 23, 1945.
The Stars and Stripes. U. S. Army newspaper published weekly in
Africa; The Stars and Stripes. Africa. Weekly newspaper of U.S.
armed forces in the North African Theater of operations; The Stars
and Stripes. Weekly newspaper of the U.S. armed forces in the
Mediterranean theater.
NOTES: Printed by L'Echo d'Alger, Algiers; later at the plant of Il
Messaggero, Rome. It was probably in July, 1944, that this
edition moved to Rome. Weekly.
HOLDINGS: Dec. 9, 1942-June 23, 1945 positive microfilm # 02248 (1 reel).
Dec. 9, 1942-June 23, 1945 original issues LC call # D731.S72
4. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Mediterranean.
PUBLISHED: Dec. 20, 1943(?)-Jan. 17, 1944.
NOTES: These issues were printed in Naples from mats used for the Algiers
edition. Weekly, Monday.
HOLDINGS: No holdings.
5. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Algiers daily.
PUBLISHED: April 15, 1943-July 15, 1944
NOTES: Printed by L'Echo d'Alger, Algiers. Daily, except Saturday and
HOLDINGS: April 15, 1943-July 15, 1944 positive microfilm # 02249 (1 reel).
April 15, 1943-July 15, 1944 original issues LC call # D731.S717
6. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Africa, Middle East, Persian Gulf.
PUBLISHED: April 16, 1943-Dec. 21, 1945.
The Stars and Stripes. Middle East; The Stars and Stripes.
Africa, Middle East.
NOTES: Printed by Imprimerie Paul Barbey, Cairo. Weekly, Friday.
HOLDINGS: April 16, 1943-Dec. 21, 1945 positive microfilm # 02250 (1 reel).
Oct. 1, 1943 & April 7, 1944 negative microfilm # 02250 (1 reel).
April 16, 1943-Dec. 21, 1945 original issues LC call # D731.S723
7. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. North Africa.
PUBLISHED: May 3, 1943-Nov. 24, 1944.
The Stars and Stripes. Oran Daily; The Stars and Stripes. Daily;
The Stars and Stripes. Oran.
HOLDINGS: May 3, 1943-Nov. 24, 1944 positive microfilm # 02251 (1 reel).
June 14-Nov. 19, Nov. 22, 1943-May 2, 1944 negative microfilm #
02251 (1 reel).
June 14, 1943-Nov. 24, 1944 original issues LC call # D731.S7274
8 TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Casablanca.
PUBLISHED: [May 19, 1943-July 30, 1944].
The Stars and Stripes. Casablanca daily.
NOTES: Printed at the Imprimeries reunies de la vigie Marocaine et du
Petit Marocsin, Casablanca. Daily, except Sunday. Issues for
(Nov. 27, 1943-April 2, 1944) were not published. The Stars and
Stripes. North Africa, served the Casablanca area.
HOLDINGS: May 19, 1943-July 20, 1944 positive microfilm # 02252 (1 reel).
9. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Sicily.
PUBLISHED: Aug. 12, 1943-June 2, 1944.
NOTES: Printed at the plant of Giornale di Sicilia, Palermo. Twice a
week, Tuesday and Friday.
HOLDINGS: Aug. 12, 1943-June 2, 1944 positive microfilm # 02253 (1 reel).
10. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Fifth Army edition.
PUBLISHED: Sept. 6-11, 13-16, 1943.
NOTES: Published by a mobile Stars and Stripes detachment. Daily.
HOLDINGS: Sept. 6-11, 13-16, 1943 positive microfilm # 02254 (1 reel).
Sept. 6-7, 1943 original issues LC call # D731.S714 Rare Book.
11. TITLE: Fifth Army. The Stars and Stripes. Combat edition.
PUBLISHED: (Oct 26-Nov 23, 1943)?
NOTES: "The combat edition of the Stars and Stripes is printed and
published as conditions allow by U. S. Army personnel; principally
for front line troops of the Fifth Army."
HOLDINGS: No holdings.
12. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Mediterranean.
PUBLISHED: (Nov. 10, 1943-June 12, 1945).
The Stars and Stripes. Italy.
NOTES: Printed at the plant of Il Mattino, Naples. May 3-June 12, 1945,
printed at the plant of Il Messaggero, Rome. Daily, except
HOLDINGS: Nov. 10, 1943-June 12, 1945 positive microfilm # 02255 (3 reels).
Nov. 10, 1943-June 12, 1945 original issues LC call # D731.S7272
13. TITLE: Northern Ireland edition. The Stars and Stripes.
PUBLISHED: (Dec. 6, 1943-Jan. 29, 1944)?
NOTES: Printed at the Belfast Telegraph, Belfast. Daily, except Sunday.
HOLDINGS: Dec. 6, 1943-Jan. 29, 1944 positive microfilm # 02256 (1 reel).
Dec. 6, 1943-Jan. 29, 1944 original issues LC call# D731.S722
14. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Tunis.
PUBLISHED: Dec. 21, 1943-June 2, 1944.
NOTES: Printed at the plant of Depeche Tunisian, Tunis. Twice a week,
Tuesday and Friday.
HOLDINGS: Dec. 21, 1943-June 2, 1944 positive microfilm # 02257 (1 reel).
Dec. 21, 1943-June 2, 1944 original issues LC call # D731.S729
15. TITLE: Picture section. Stars and stripes.
PUBLISHED: no. I-III, not dated
NOTES: Printed by Stars and Stripes, Mobile Unit.
HOLDINGS: No holdings.
16. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes Mediterranean. Unofficial paper of U. S.
forces in the Mediterranean theater.
PUBLISHED: (June 5, 1944-June 2, 1946).
The Stars and Stripes. Published in Rome; The Stars and Stripes.
NOTES: Printed at the plant of Il Messaggero, Rome.
HOLDINGS: June 5, 1944-June 2, 1946 positive microfilm # 02258 (4 reels).
June 5, 1944-May 12, 1946 original issues LC call # D731.S727
17. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Mediterranean.
PUBLISHED: Nov. 26, 1944-Nov. 25, 1945.
The Sunday Stars and Stripes. Mediterranean. Published in Rome.
NOTES: Weekly, Sunday.
HOLDINGS: Nov. 26, 1944-Nov. 25, 1945 positive microfilm # 02259 (1 reel).
Dec. 3, 1944-Nov. 25, 1944 original issues LC call # D731.S7275
18. TITLE: Western Europe edition. The Stars and Stripes. Unofficial
newspaper of U.S. forces in the European theater.
PUBLISHED: July 4, 1944-Feb. 1, 1946.
Continental edition. The Stars and Stripes Daily newspaper of U.S.
armed forces in the European theater of operations; The Stars and
Stripes. Daily newspaper of U.S. armed forces in the European
Theater of operations; Paris edition. The Stars and Stripes.
Daily newspaper of U.S. armed forces in the European Theater;
Western Europe edition. Newspaper of U.S. armed forces in the
European Theater.
NOTES: The place of publication and the press do not appear on the issues
of v. 1, no. 1-41, other than the caption "Somewhere in France."
Publication commenced in Cherbourg, then moved to Rennes for v. 1,
no. 52-53. v. 1, no. 54-v. 2 were printed at the New York Herald
Tribune printing establishment, Paris.
HOLDINGS: July 4, 1944-Feb. 1, 1946 positive microfilm # 02260 (4 reels).
Sept. 20-30, 1944 negative microfilm # 02280 (1 reel).
July 4, 1944-Feb. 1, 1946 original issues LC call # D731.S7266
19. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes Magazine.
PUBLISHED: June 3, 1945-Jan. 31, 1946.
The Stars and Stripes magazine. Weekly supplement.
NOTES: Weekly, Sunday.
HOLDINGS: June 3, 1945-Jan. 20, 1946 positive microfilm # 02261 (1 reel).
June 3, 1945-Jan. 31, 1946 original issues LC call # D731.S74
20. TITLE: Tomorrow.
PUBLISHED: Dec. 21, 1944-May 26, 1945.
NOTES: no. 1 issued as a 4 page special section of Western Europe
edition. The Stars and Stripes. nos. 2-23 were included in the
Wednesday issues of Western Europe edition. The Stars and Stripes.
HOLDINGS: Dec. 21, 1944-May 26, 1945 original issues LC call # D731.T65.
21. TITLE: War week.
PUBLISHED: Oct. 7, 1944-May 27, 1945.
NOTES: Oct. 7-Dec. 2, 1944, were issued as a 4 p. special section of the
Saturday issues of the Western Europe edition. The Stars and
Stripes. Dec. 9, 1944-May 27, 1945 were included in issues of the
Western Europe edition. The Stars and Stripes.
HOLDINGS: see holdings of Western Europe edition for microfilm holdings.
22. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Mediterranean.
PUBLISHED: July 27-Aug. 3, 1944.
NOTES: Printed by a mobile Stars and Stripes detachment. "Combat edition"
HOLDINGS: July 27-Aug. 3, 1944 positive microfilm # 02254 (1 reel).
23. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Grenoble, France.
PUBLISHED: Aug. 25, 1944.
NOTES: "It is a makeshift job and has no relation to the regular Stars
and Stripes or its mobile unit which are due to start producing
soon in these parts."
HOLDINGS: Aug. 25, 1944 positive microfilm # 02253 (1 reel).
24. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Mediterranean. Printed in France.
PUBLISHED: Aug. 29-Sept. 12, 1944.
NOTES: Printed at the plant of Les Allobroges, Grenoble. Daily, except
Sunday. The staff of the Grenoble edition published the Besancon
edition whose first edition appeared on Sept. 14th.
HOLDINGS: Aug. 29-Sept. 12, 1944 positive microfilm # 02253 (1 reel).
25. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Daily newspaper of U.S. armed forces in the
European theater of operations. Besancon.
PUBLISHED: Sept. 14-Dec. 1, 1944.
The Stars and Stripes. Mediterranean. Printed in France.
NOTES: no. 1-28 printed at the plant of Les Nouvelles de Besancon; no.
29-68 printed at the plant of La Republique de France-Comte,
Besancon. The staff of the Besancon edition published the
Strasbourg edition whose first issue appeared on Dec. 4th.
HOLDINGS: Sept. 14-Dec. 1, 1944 positive microfilm # 02262 (1 reel).
26. TITLE: Southern France edition. The Stars and Stripes. Daily newspaper of
U.S. armed forces in the European Theater of operations.
PUBLISHED: [series 1], Sept. 29-Oct 14, 1944.
[series 2], Oct 16, 1944-March 10, 1945.
[series 3], March 12-Sept. 30, 1945.
[series 1]-[series 2], no. 24, The Stars and Stripes.
Mediterranean; [series 2], no. 25-112, The Stars and Stripes.
Marseilles. Daily newspaper of U.S. armed forces in the European
Theater of operations; [series 2], no. 113-126, Marseille
edition. The Stars and Stripes. Daily newspaper of U.S. armed
forces in the European Theater of operations; [series 3], no. 1-
120, Nice-Marseille edition. The Stars and Stripes. Daily
newspaper of U.S. armed forces in the European Theater of
NOTES: Printed at La Marseillaise, Marseilles, and at Le Patriote, Nice.
Sept. 29, 1944-Sept. 30, 1945 positive microfilm # 02263 (2
Jan. 19-March 10, 1945 negative microfilm # 02281 (1 reel).
May 5-Sept. 9, 1945 negative microfilm # 02263 (1 Reel).
Jan. 17, - March 10, 1945 (Marseille edition) original issues LC
call # D731.S7263 (folio).
March 13 - Sept. 30, 1945 (Nice edition) original issues LC call #
D731.S7264 (folio).
27. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes. Daily newspaper of U.S. armed forces in the
European Theater. Strasbourg.
PUBLISHED: Dec. 4, 1944-Jan. 20, 1945.
NOTES: Printed in the plant of Les Derniers Nouvelles de Strasbourg.
Daily, except Sunday.
HOLDINGS: Dec. 4, 1944-Jan. 20, 1945 positive microfilm # 02264 (1 reel).
28. TITLE: The Stars and Stripes.
PUBLISHED: Jan. 22-Feb. 3, 1945.
NOTES: Printed at the plant of Le Progres, Dijon. Daily, except Sunday.
HOLDINGS: Jan. 22-Feb. 3, 1945 positive microfilm # 02265 (1 reel).
Jan. 22-Feb. 3, 1945 negative microfilm 02265 (1 reel).
29. TITLE: Liege edition. The Stars and Stripes.
PUBLISHED: Jan. 20-April 17, 1945.
The Stars and Stripes. Daily newspaper of U.S. armed forces in the
European Theater of operations. Liege.
NOTES: Daily.
HOLDINGS: Jan. 20-April 17, 1945 positive microfilm # 02266 (1 reel).
Jan. 20-April 2, 1945 negative microfilm (1 reel).
Jan. 20 - April 17, 1945 original issues LC call # D731.S7257
30. TITLE: Nancy edition. The Stars and Stripes. Daily newspaper of U.S.
armed forces in the European Theater of operations.
PUBLISHED: Jan. 22-April 16, 1945.
TITLE VARIES: The Stars and Stripes. Daily newspaper of U.S. armed forces in
the European Theater of operations.
NOTES: Published at L'Est Republican plant, Nancy.
HOLDINGS: Jan. 22-April 16, 1945 positive microfilm # 02267 (1 reel).
31. TITLE: Germany edition. The Stars and Stripes. Unofficial paper of U.S.
armed forces in the European Theater.
PUBLISHED: April 5, 1945 - April 17, 1946.
TITLE VARIES: Germany Edition. The Stars and Stripes. Daily newspaper of
U.S. armed forces in the European Theater.
NOTES: Published at the auxiliary plant of the Frankfurter Zeitung,
Pfungstadt, Germany.
April 5, 1945-April 17, 1946 positive microfilm # 02268 (2 reels).
April 7, 1945 - April 17, 1946 original issues LC call #
D731.S72667 (folio).
32. TITLE: European edition. The Stars and Stripes. Unofficial newspaper of
U.S. armed forces in the European Theater.
PUBLISHED: May 8, 1945-Dec. 5, 1946
TITLE VARIES: Southern Germany edition. The Stars and Stripes. Daily
newspaper of U.S. armed forces in the European Theater; Southern
Germany edition. The Stars and Stripes. Newspaper of U.S. armed
forces in the European Theater; Southern Germany edition.
Unofficial newspaper of U.S. armed forces in the European Theater.
NOTES: Published at the auxiliary plant of the Nurenberg 8 Uhr Blatt,
Altdorf, Bavaria.
HOLDINGS: May 8, 1945-Dec. 5, 1946 positive microfilm # 02269 (4 reels).
May 8, 1945-Dec. 15, 1946 original issues LC call # D731.S7215
33. TITLE: Midweek. The Stars and Stripes. Southern Germany edition.
PUBLISHED: Aug. 22, 1945 - Jan. 16, 1946.
NOTES: Weekly, Wednesday.
HOLDINGS: Aug. 22, 1945-Jan. 16, 1946 positive microfilm # 02270 (1 reel).
Aug. 1945 original issues LC call # D731.S7215 (folio).
Sept. 1945-Jan. 1946 original issues LC call # D731.S7216 (folio).
34. TITLE: Weekend. The Stars and Stripes.
PUBLISHED: (May 26, 1946)- ?
Weekend. Stars and Stripes. European edition.
NOTES: Weekly, Sunday. Published at Pfungstadt, Germany.
HOLDINGS: May 26, 1946-July 3, 1948 positive microfilm # 02276 (3 reels).
35. TITLE: Weekly comics. The Stars and Stripes.
PUBLISHED: Aug. 4, 1946 - June 29, 1947?
HOLDINGS: Aug. 4, 1946-June 29, 1947 positive microfilm # 02277 (1 reel)
36. TITLE: European edition. The Stars and Stripes. Unofficial publication of
U.S. occupation forces in Europe.
PUBLISHED: Dec. 1, 1946? - June 1985
TITLE VARIES: European edition. The Stars and Stripes. Unofficial paper of
U.S. armed forces in the European Theater; The Stars and
Stripes. Unofficial paper of U.S. armed forces in the
European Theater; The Stars and Stripes. Unofficial
publication of U.S. occupation forces in the European
NOTES: v. 1, no. 29 - 148 issued in three edition: Rhine-Main, Berlin-
Bremen, Austrian-Bavarian.
HOLDINGS: Dec. 6, 1946-May 16, 1949 positive microfilm # 02278 (9 reels).
Dec. 1, 1946- June 1985 original issues LC call # D731.S72664
Jan. 4-May 3, 1947 (Rhine-Main final edition) original issues LC
call # D731.S7268 (folio).
Location Index
Algiers ................................................. 3, 5
Altdorf ................................................. 32, 33
Austrian-Bavarian ....................................... 36
Belfast ................................................. 13
Berlin-Bremen ........................................... 36
Besancon ................................................ 25
Cairo ................................................... 6
Casablanca .............................................. 8
Cherbourg ............................................... 18
Dijon ................................................... 28
"France, Somewhere in" .................................. 18
Grenoble ................................................ 23, 24
Liege ................................................... 29
London .................................................. 2
Marseilles .............................................. 26
Nancy ................................................... 30
Naples .................................................. 4, 12
Oran .................................................... 7
Palermo ................................................. 9
Paris ................................................... 1, 18, 19, 20, 21
Pfungstadt .............................................. 31, 34, 35
Rennes .................................................. 18
Rome .................................................... 3, 12, 16, 17
Rhine-Main .............................................. 36
Strasbourg .............................................. 27
Tunis ................................................... 14
Unknown location (mobile detachment) .................... 10, 11, 15, 22
Year Index
1918 ......1
1919 ......1
1942 ..... 2, 3,
1943 ..... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
1944 ..... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27,
1945 ..... 2, 3, 6, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
1946 ..... 16, 18, 19, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
1947- .... 34, 35, 36
C.Bean (2-95)