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OCT 11 1994

To: Lenders and Schools Participating in the Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL) Program

Subject: HEAL Application and Manifest Data Editing Criteria
HEAL Lender Policy Memorandum L-95-01
HEAL School Policy Memorandum S-95-01

The attached document updates and replaces the HEAL Application and Manifest Editing Criteria described in HEAL policy memorandum 92-5, dated May 8, 1992 and HEAL policy memorandum 93-8 dated April 5, 1993. The edits and tape formats contained in this document will become effective 30 days after the publication of the new HEAL application. We expect the new HEAL application will be distributed in January 1995.

In May, 1992, we envisioned that by sharing our edit criteria with the lending and school communities, substantial amounts of time would be saved by HEAL staff and the applications data editing process would become more efficient, streamlined, and uniform. Indeed, the process has worked and has yielded mor e timely and accurate disbursement data. The HEAL Branch has ceased manual processing of application errors. Ninety eight percent of the data we currently receive from lenders pass our edit criteria on the first submission. Therefore, to continue this successful approach we are updating the HEAL community with the editing criteria that we will use for the new HEAL application.

It is now possible for lenders and schools to pre-screen their application and disbursement data before submitting them to HEAL. Lenders and schools can determine whether or not an application submission will pass HEAL's edit criteria (with the exception of global edits) prior to submission. Lenders should use the attached criteria to pre-screen applications for insurability and to begin programming their computer systems as necessary to validate HEAL applications.

HEAL will utilize the edits defined on the following pages to check all incoming data contained on applications and manifests submitted on magnetic tapes or floppy disks. Please note that all information collected on the HEAL application is not reported to HEAL via the Tape Layout (see Appendix F for the current tape layout). In addition, not all tape layout data are edited in the Application Editing Criteria beginning on page 3 and are, therefore, not listed as a part of that document. Data That passes these edits will be accepted; those which do not will be returned, but may be resubmitted within 75 days from the date of disbursement. Disbursements submitted later than 75 days from disbursement will not be Federally insured.

The HEAL Branch will return applications or application/manifest tapes or floppy disks (depending on the lender's processing method) along with a "Transaction Processing Report" (example in Appendix D) within 5 working days of receipt. This report will provide a hard copy listing of the records which failed the edit process. The report will also include the numbered reason(s) for failure. It will be the responsibility of each lender to resubmit the corrected application/disbursement records to the HEAL Branch within 75 days.

The attached document is comprehensive and contains all information (only those application items that are edited are included in the editing criteria document) necessary to comply with HEAL loan editing procedures. Questions concerning this document may be directed to Ms. Sylvia Brown or Ms. Jennifer K. Dozier of the HEAL Branch on (301) 443-1540. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
Stephen J. Boehlert
Chief, HEAL Branch


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