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The Health Center Program: Health Center Data by State


TABLE 4: Patients by Socioeconomic Characteristics

State Summary for California
103 Grantees Total

Income as Percent of Poverty Level Number of Patients (a) Percent of Total Percent of Known
1. 100% and Below 1,430,902 66.4% 76.0%
2. 101 - 150% 268,705 12.5% 14.3%
3. 151 - 200% 85,808 4.0% 4.6%
4. Over 200% 96,490 4.5% 5.1%
5. Unknown 273,221 12.7%  
6. Total (sum lines 1-5) 2,155,126 100.0%  
Principal Third Party Insurance Source 0 - 19 (a) 20 and Older (b) Total Percent
7. None/Uninsured 206,861 774,448 981,309 45.5%
8a. Regular Medicaid (Title XIX) 487,431 321,165 808,596 37.5%
8b. S-CHIP Medicaid 754 0 754 0.0%
8. Total Medicaid (Line 8a + 8b) 488,185 321,165 809,350 37.6%
9. Medicare (Title XVIII) 324 113,260 113,584 5.3%
10a. Other Public Insurance non-S-CHIP 9,756 23,267 33,023 1.5%
10b. Other Public Insurance S-CHIP 68,566 283 68,849 3.2%
10. Total Public Insurance (Line 10a + 10b) 78,322 23,550 101,872 4.7%
11. Private Insurance 54,008 95,003 149,011 6.9%
12. Total (Sum Lines 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11) 827,700 1,327,426 2,155,126 100.0%
Selected Patient Characteristics Number of Patients (a) Percent
13. Migrant (330g grantees Only) 125,050 36.2%
14. Seasonal (330g grantees Only) 220,365 63.8%
15. Total Migrant/Seasonal Agricultural Worker or Dependent
(MHC Funded Total)
345,415 100.0%
  Total Migrant/Seasonal Agricultural Worker or Dependent
(All Grantees Report This Line)
16. Homeless Shelter (330h grantees Only) 36,755 24.6%
17. Transitional (330h grantees Only) 24,917 16.7%
18. Doubling Up (330h grantees Only) 30,146 20.2%
19. Street (330h grantees Only) 18,333 12.3%
20. Other (330h grantees Only) 21,714 14.5%
21. Unknown (330h grantees Only) 17,649 11.8%
22. Total Homeless (HO Funded Total) 149,514 100.0%
  Total Homeless (All Grantees Report This Line) 173,993  
23. Total School Based Health Center Patients
(All Grantees Report this Line)
Data as of: 9/25/2007 1:51:41
* Percents may not equal 100% due to rounding
* Grantees without HO and/or MHC funding report totals on line 15 and 22, but not the detail. These lines are duplicated to show totals from all grantees