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A Center Policy Issues Analysis Brief: Suicide Prevention in Schools, UCLA (Updated 2005)
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Acting On What We Know: Preventing Youth Suicide in First Nations. First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
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American Indian Life Skills Development Curriculum
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American Indian Life Skills Development Curriculum/ SAMHSA MODEL PROGRAMS
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   Living Works ASIST
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Brief Psychological Interventions after Deliberate Self Poisoning. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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C-Care/CAST. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA (2000). An Introductory Packet on Violence Prevention and Safe Schools. Los Angeles, CA: Author (revised 2004)
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Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA (2002). A Center Quick Training Aid: Case Management in the school Context. Los Angeles, CA: Author
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Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA (2002). Quick Training Aids: Suicide Prevention. Los Angeles, CA
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Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA (2003). A Technical Assistance Sampler on School Interventions to Prevent Youth Suicide. Los Angeles, CA: Author
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Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA (2003). School-Based Client Consultation, Referral, and Management of Care. Los Angeles, CA: Author
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Columbia University Teen Screen Program. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Crisis and Suicide: An Alaska Concern, by Scot Prinz, M.A
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ED315708 1990-00-00 Post Traumatic Loss Debriefing: Providing Immediate Support for Survivors of Suicide or Sudden Loss: An ERIC/CAPS Digest.
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Emergency Department Means Restrictive Education. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Enjoy and Share the Sprit of Life: We
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Guidelines for School Based Suicide Prevention Programs: Prevention Division of the American Association of Suicidology, 1999.
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Jason Foundation
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Lifelines. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Limits on Analgesic Packaging. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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North Dakota Adolescent Suicide Prevention Project
North Dakota Adolescent Suicide Prevention Project works closely with the North Dakota Suicide Prevention Task Force and dozens of tribal and rural partners throughout the state. A five year trend since the start of the project shows a sustained 47% reduction in ND 10-24 year old suicide fatalities ages 10-19 from 2000-2004 compared to compared to the ten year average in the 1990?s. Ages 10-24 suicide fatalities were reduced by 32% comparing 2000-2004 to the 1990?s ten year average.
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Prospect. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Reconnecting Youth Class. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Reconnecting Youth Class. Registry of Evidence Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Registry of Evidence-Based Practices Fact Sheets. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Seeds of Safety. Rural Suicide Prevention. Children Safety Network. Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation.
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SOS: Signs of Suicide. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Specialized Emergency Room Intervention for Suicidal Adolescent Females. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Suicide Prevention Basics. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Suicide Prevention: Promising Strategies. Aboriginal Youth: A Manual of promising Prevention Strategies. Authors Jennifer White and Nadine Jodoin. Center for Suicide Prevention, a program of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta, Divis
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Suicide Prevention: The Public Health Approach. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Taking Action: Resources for Effective Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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U.S. Air Force Program. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
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Zuni Life Skills Development
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Zuni Life Skills Program. Registry of Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Programs. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
(NOTE: The other site listed for Zuni Life Skills program on our website is not working.)
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