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"We Never Was Happy Living Like a Whiteman". Journal of Community Psychology (In press). Joseph Gone, Ph D, 2006.
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Adolescent Primary Care Risk Behaivors, Assessments, Areas of Focus, Donna R. Perry, MD, FAAP, FSAM
American Indian and Alaska Native Adult Population: United States 1999-2003. Patricia M. Barnes, et al
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research. The Journal of the Naitonal Center. Vol. 10, Number 1, 2001, Spero M. Manson, et. al.
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American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: The Journal of the National Center is available at a cost of $35 per volume. (some interesting titles...)
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An analysis of Suicide in Indigenous Communities of North Queensland: The Historical Cultural and Symbolic landscape University of Queensland, department of Social and Preventive Medicine, May 1999.
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Anti-depressant Medication for Children
Assessment of Suicidal Behaviors Among Children and Adolescents. Goldston. D.B. (Wake Forest University of Medicine)
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Calling from the Rim: Suicidal Behavior Among American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Adolescents, Vol. 4, Monograph, 1994. AIAN Mental Health Research. The Journal of National Center Monograph Series. AIAN Native Programs University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center.
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CEO Handbook
Charles Grim
Community Case StTestimony presented before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on the subject of Youth Suicide Prevention, by Joseph B. Stone, PhD., Program Manager and Clinical Supervisor of the Confederated tribes of Grande Ronde Behavioral Hea
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Community Case Study: Suicide Cluster in a Small Manitoba Community, by Clarke Wilkie, MD, FRCPC, Sharon Macdonald, MD, FRCPC, Keith Hildahl, MD, FRCPC. Can J Psychiatry 1998;43:823
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Conference readies Indian Youth to fight Suicide by Diane Cochran of the Gazette Staff
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Critical Incident Stress Management Training Seminars
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Discusses recent suicides among Native American youths and the related hearings before the U.S. Senate on how to address this tragedy of enormous proportions.
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Fact Sheet on Suicide
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Guidelines for School Based Suicide Prevention Programs: Prevention Division of the American Association of Suicidology, 1999.
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Health disparities Experienced by American Indians and Alaska Natives. MMWR, Aug1, 2003/52 (30): 697 (CDC)
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Hoeven: North Dakota Adolescent Suicide Prevention Project Receives National Recognition
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Homicide and Suicide among Native Americans, 1979-1992. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 1996. Violence Surveillance Summary Series.
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IHS Suicide Related Events In Indian Health Service
In Harm's Way: Suicide in America. A brief overview of suicide statistics and prevention. National Institute of Health, 2003 (rev).
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Injury Mortality Among American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Youth --- United States, 1989
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Joint Statements from the American academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the American Psychiatric Association for the Senate Indian Affairs Committee hearing on Teen Suicide among American Indian Youth
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Methods of Suicide Among Persons Aged 10-19 Years
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Model Program: Suicide Prevention and Changing Attitudes About Mental Health Care Air Force Initiative to Prevent Suicide. National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)
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Outcome Evaluation of a Public Health Approach to Suicide Prevention in an American Indian Tribal Nation
Outcome Evaluation of a Public Health Approach to Suicide Prevention in an American Indian Tribal Nation, by May, P. A., Serna, P., Hurt, L. and DeBruyn, L.M.
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Personal Persistence, Identity Development and, Suicide: A Study of Native and Non-Native North American Adolescents (Chandler, M., Lalonde, C.E., Sokol B. W., and Hallett, D.
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Perspectives on Suicide Prevention Among American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Adolescents: A Call for Help, by Faye, A. Gary, EdD, RN, FAAN, Martha Baker, PhD., RN, Donna M. Grandbois MS, RN, Doctoral student. Online Journal of Issues in N
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Post-Traumatic Loss Debriefing: Providing Immediate Support for Survivors of Suicide or Sudden Loss, by Thompson, R.
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Prevention Strategies and Links. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Center for Disease Control (CDC)
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Problem Drinking in the Family and Youth Suicide
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Recent Red Lake Suicide Continue Alarming Trend Nationwide. Sunday, July 10, 2005. By Jodi Rave of the Missoulian.
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Reducing Suicide: A National Imperative (2002), Institute of Medicine (IOM). National Academies Press. An entire on line book that addresses many aspects of suicide.
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Risk Factors: Risk Factor Recommendations from the Youth Suicide Prevention Data and Evaluation Team.
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Screening for Suicide Risk: A Systematic Evidence Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
Agency for Health Care, Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), May 2004.
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Study Identifies Suicide Risk Factors in Native-American Youth, by Eve Bender. Psychiatric News June 6, 2003 Volume 38 Number 11
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Substance Use and the Risk of Suicide Among Youths. National Household Survey on Drug Abuse Report, July 12, 2002.
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Suicidal Behavior in Urban American Indian Adolescents: A Comparison with Reservation Youth in A Southwestern State.
Stacey Freedenthal, MSW, and Arlene Rubin Stiffarm, Ph D. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 34 (2) Summer 2004 (c) 2004 The American Association of Suicidology.
Suicide Attempts Among American Indian and Alaska Native Youth: Risk and Protective Factors, by Wagman Borowsky, I., Resnick, M.D., Ireland, M., and Blum, R.W. (Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1999;153:573-580).
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Suicide Prevention Efforts needed, American Indian Psychologist tells Policy Makers. Monitor on Psycholgy, Volume 36, No. 8, September 2005
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Suicide Prevention Evaluation in a Western Athabaskan American Indian Tribe -- New Mexico, 1988-1997. MMWR Weekly, CDC, April 10, 1998 / 47(13);257-261.
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Suicide Prevention in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: A Critical Review of Programs by Middlebrook, D.L., LeMaster, P.L., Beals, J., Novins, D.K., Manson, S.M.
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Suicide: The Forever Decision, an online book by Paul Quinnet, PhD. QPR Institute, 2003.
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Survivors Fact Sheet
Testimony presented before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on the subject of Youth Suicide Prevention, by Joseph B. Stone, PhD., Program Manager and Clinical Supervisor of the Confederated tribes of Grande Ronde Behavioral Health Program, Grand Ronde, Oregon, on behalf of the American Psychological Association, on June 15, 2005. APA Online.
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The American Indian Multisector Help Inquiry (AIM
The American Indian Multisector Help Inquiry (AIM
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The Limits of Social Capital: Durkheim, Suicide, and Social Cohesion
Traditional healers are legitimate resources for youth in American Indian communities, says mental health expert. Washington University in St. Louis Website.
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Where suicide lives
Where suicide lives
A plague of teen deaths is stalking northern Ontario reserves
Native leaders see fathers as the key to stopping the dying
White Earth Suicide Intervention Team White Earth Chippewa Tribe.
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Youth - John Kelly - Website
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