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Professional Providers -> Canada

Aboriginal Healing Foundation's Research Publications
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Acting On What We Know: Preventing Youth Suicide in First Nations. First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
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Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP)
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Center for Suicide Prevention
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Community Case Study: Suicide Cluster in a Small Manitoba Community, by Clarke Wilkie, MD, FRCPC, Sharon Macdonald, MD, FRCPC, Keith Hildahl, MD, FRCPC. Can J Psychiatry 1998;43:823
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Enjoy and Share the Sprit of Life: We
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First Nations & Inuit Health , Health Canada, Website: Suicide Prevention
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Mapping the Healing Journey. The Final Report of a First Nation Research Project on Healing in Canadian Aboriginal Communities.
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Suicide Prevention: Promising Strategies. Aboriginal Youth: A Manual of promising Prevention Strategies. Authors Jennifer White and Nadine Jodoin. Center for Suicide Prevention, a program of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta, Divis
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Turtle Island Native Network
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Page Created: 5/25/2006

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